


 szr 2009-07-17
 1、選擇終身伴侶,切記謹慎從事。---Think twice before you choose a life partner.
 2、平平淡淡才是生活。---Romance is lost in the daily routines.
 3、希望別人如何待你,你就應(yīng)該如何對待別人。---Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.
 4、報復(fù)是危險的,它傷人亦傷己。---Revenge is dangerous,it may hurt you as well as your enemy.
 5、事后懊喪不如事先預(yù)防。---Better safe than sorry.
 6、知足常樂。---Be concent with what you have.  
 7、得來容易去得快。---Easy come, easy go.   
 8、人人都有優(yōu)缺點。---Everybody has his merits and faults.
 9、既來之,則安之。---Take things as they come. 
 10、萬物莫如新,伴侶莫如舊。---The used key is always bright.
 11、眾口難調(diào)。---You can't please everyone.
 12、孤掌難鳴。---You can't clap with one hand. 
 13、怒時先靜氣。---When angry,count ten before you speak;if very angry,count a hundred.
 14、人言可畏。---Give a dog a bad name and hang him.   
 15、狗急跳墻,更何況人呢?---A worm will turn.  
 16、人往往一廂情愿。---Men willingly believe what they wish.   
 17、發(fā)光的不一定是金子。---All is not gold that glitter.  
 18、旁觀者清。---Lookers-on see most of the game.   
 19、欲速則不達。---More haste,less speed. 
 20、倉促的勸告不可靠。---Hasty advice is unbelieveable. 
 21、入陷阱易,出陷阱難。---It's easy to fall into a trap,but hard to get out again.  
 22、要求太高難成功。---The best is the enemy of the good. 
 23、三思而后行。---When one is about to act,one must reason first. 
 24、長痛不如短痛。---Better a little loss than a long sorrow.  
 25、舊的不去新的不來。---The old doesn't go,the new can't take its place.  
 26、有得必有失。---If you want to gain something,you must lose something as well.
 27、人人有本難念的經(jīng)。---Each has his own hard nut to crack.
 28、沒有不散的宴席。---There is no feast which does not end in life.
 29、好馬不吃回頭草。---A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture.
 30、人有旦夕禍福。---Man's fate is uncertain.  
 31、夜長夢多。 ---A long delay means many hitches. )
 32、忍耐是一種美德。---Patience is a virtue.   
 33、 憑良心做事。---Let your conscience be your guide.   
 34、 相信自己的判斷。---Judge for yourself. 
 35、自己是命運的主宰。---Every man is the master of his own fortune. 
 36、做最壞打算,向最好努力。---Prepare for the worst yet strive for the best.  
 37、當(dāng)斷不斷,反受其亂。---He who hesitates is lost. 
 38、苦盡甜來。---All sufferings have their reward.   
 39、大丈夫能屈能伸。---A man of men is he who knows when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high.
 40、失去一顆樹,贏得一片林。---To lose a tree,to gain a forest. 
 41、時間能醫(yī)治創(chuàng)傷。 ---Time cures all things.

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