


 丶至尊域 2011-01-26


Excuse me?請(qǐng)?jiān)僬f一遍?

You're welcome別客氣。

Not at all這沒什么。 

It's my pleasure這是我的榮幸。 

Don't mention it別放在心上。 

That's all right這沒什么。 

No trouble at all一點(diǎn)也不麻煩。

Is this 010-2718-5398?這里是010-2718-5398嗎?

Sorry to have bothered you很抱歉打擾你了。

I'm sorry I have the wrong number抱歉我打錯(cuò)電話了。

I'm sorry, she's not at her room right now對(duì)不起,她現(xiàn)在不在。 

I'm glad you enjoyed it真高興你覺得滿意。 

Sorry, I didn't catch you對(duì)不起,我聽不懂你說的。 

Sorry, I didn't understand抱歉,我聽不懂。 

Sorry, I didn't get what you said對(duì)不起,我沒聽懂你說的話。 

I can't hear you very well我聽不太清楚。 

I can barely hear you我?guī)缀趼牪坏侥阏f的。

I'm sorry to call you so late對(duì)不起這么晚打電話來。

I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time抱歉這種時(shí)候找你。

I hope I didn't wake you up so early我希望這么早沒有吵到你。

I'm sorry to call you so early對(duì)不起這么早打電話來。

I'm sorry to bother you at this hour很抱歉在這時(shí)打擾你。

It's nothing important沒什么重要事。 

It's nothing urgent,thank you bye沒什么要緊事,謝謝您,再見。

Can I leave a message?我可以留言嗎? 

Please have her return my call請(qǐng)她回電話給我。 

Could you ask him to to call me back?可以請(qǐng)他給我回電話嗎? 

Please tell her Carol called請(qǐng)告訴她卡洛找她。 

Let me call back later again我稍后再打電話來。 

I'll call her again我會(huì)再打給她。 

I'll call back later我稍后會(huì)再打來。

Oh, I'll call her again那我在打給她。

When will he be back?他何時(shí)回來? 

When do you expect him back?你覺得他何時(shí)會(huì)回來? 

Is he coming back soon?他會(huì)馬上回來嗎? 

May I leave a message?可以留言嗎?

When will he be back?他何時(shí)回來? 

When do you expect him back?你覺得他何時(shí)會(huì)回來? 

Is he coming back soon?他會(huì)馬上回來嗎? 

Do you know what time she will be back?你知道他幾點(diǎn)回來? 

Could you ask him to call me back?能不能請(qǐng)他回電? 

I'll try again later我會(huì)過一會(huì)兒再打來。 

I'll call again in one hour later我一個(gè)小時(shí)后再打來。 

I'll call back later我稍候再打過來。

Could you ask him to call me back?能不能請(qǐng)他回電?

How can I get in touch with him?我怎樣才能和他聯(lián)系?

What's the easiest way to contact him?什么方法可以最快找到他? 

Sorry, his line is busy抱歉,他正在打電話。

Could you hold a moment, please?你能稍等一會(huì)兒?jiǎn)幔?/div>

He'll be with you in a moment過一會(huì)兒他就會(huì)接你電話了。 

Can you hold on, please?你能稍等一會(huì)兒?jiǎn)幔?nbsp;

Just a moment,He is on his way now請(qǐng)稍待一下。他馬上來接電話。 

Hang on a second, please請(qǐng)稍等。 

Could you hold on any longer?你能再稍待一會(huì)兒?jiǎn)幔?/div>

I'm sorry to keep you waiting抱歉讓你等待。 

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting抱歉讓你久等了。

He is on a business trip他正在出差。

He is not in right now他現(xiàn)在不在。 

He is off today他今天休假。

He hasn't come to the office yet他還沒到辦公室。 

He's on vacation this week他本周休假。 

He has gone for the day他已經(jīng)回去了。 

He has gone home他回家了。 

He's on sick leave taday她今天請(qǐng)病假。 

She's on maternity leave now她在休產(chǎn)假。 

He's in New York on business他在紐約出差。

He's already left for home today他已經(jīng)離開回家了。 

He is on vacation until next Wednesday他休假到下周三。

He's absent because he is sick taday他今天生病所以沒來。

I'm sorry, but he is out right now很抱歉,他剛才外出了。 

He left this company last week他上個(gè)月離開這家公司了。 

He is no longer at this company他已經(jīng)不在本公司工作了。 

Sorry for the delay對(duì)不起慢了一點(diǎn)。

She has a visitor at the moment她現(xiàn)在有客人。 

He is in a meeting now他正在開會(huì)。 

Is it possible to leave a message?可以個(gè)留言嗎?

I'm having trouble hearing you我聽不清楚。 

We have a bad connection通訊效果不太好。

May I use your phone?我可以借您的電話用一下嗎?

【11.27.起】I can't catch what you are saying我聽不太清楚你說的。 

I beg you pardon?能請(qǐng)你再說一遍嗎?

Could you repeat that, please?能請(qǐng)你再說一遍嗎? 

Would you say that again?你能再說一遍嗎?

Would you speak more slowly?你能再說慢一點(diǎn)嗎? 
Could you speak up a little?你能在大聲一點(diǎn)嗎?

Would you speak more clearly?你能再說清楚一點(diǎn)嗎? 

Would you explain more for me?可以為我解釋一遍嗎? 

Please speak a little louder請(qǐng)講大聲一點(diǎn)。 

Would you slow down, please?請(qǐng)說慢一點(diǎn)好嗎?

Could I get my seat assignment?我可以指定座位嗎? 

I'd like a window seat我要一個(gè)靠窗的位子。

I'd like in the non-smoking section我想要無煙區(qū)的座位。 

I prefer to sit by the window我想坐在靠窗位置。 

Do you have a seat on the flight after that?下一班飛機(jī)有位子嗎? 

What's the department time?起飛時(shí)間是什么時(shí)候?

What's the check-in time?何時(shí)開始辦理登記手續(xù)? 

How long does the flight take?要飛多久? 

Is this ticket refundable?這張機(jī)票可以退票嗎?

How about the room charge?房間的費(fèi)用是多少呢? 

What's the price of a double room?雙人間的價(jià)錢是多少? 

Do you accept VISA?你們能接受VISA信用卡嗎?

There is no water沒有水。 

The toilet doesn't flush properly馬桶沖不下去了。 

We need one more towel我們需要多加一條毛巾。 

The TV doesn't work電視機(jī)不能看。

I'd like to reserve a car for next Monday我想在下周一預(yù)定一輛車。 

How much do you charge for renting a car?租一輛車要多少錢? 

I'd like to keep the car for one more day我要多租一天車。 

May I order some flowers?我可以訂些花嗎?

Please send me your catalogue請(qǐng)寄目錄給我。

How can I pay for this item?我要怎么付款?

How long will it arrive?需要多久才會(huì)送到呢?

Thank you for saying so謝謝你這么說。 

It's very nice of you to say so謝謝你這么說。 

Thank you,You flatter me謝謝你,你過獎(jiǎng)了。 

Thank you, I'm just very lucky謝謝你,我只是比較幸運(yùn)而已。

Congratulations on your graduation學(xué)成畢業(yè)之喜。 

Congratulations on your promotion恭喜你升官。

Congratulations to the bride and groom祝福新郎和新娘。 

May you have a wonderful new life together祝新婚快樂。

Extension two-one-one, please請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn)211。

May I have extension two-one-one?能幫我轉(zhuǎn)分機(jī)211?

How do I get an outside line?如何打外線?

Would you mind if I use your phone?你不介意我用你的電話吧? 

Please ask Miss Chen to call me back請(qǐng)陳小姐給我回電話。

Please tell him to phone 2233-445請(qǐng)他給2233-4455回電話。

Thank you so much for the homemade cake非常謝謝你作的蛋糕。

Could you fax the data to my office?你能把資料傳真到我辦公室嗎? 

Would you send the data by fax?你能傳真那份資料嗎?

Could you post the data to me?你能將資料寄給我嗎?

Could I call his mobilephone?我可以打他的手機(jī)嗎?

He's on another line right now他現(xiàn)在正在接另外一個(gè)電話。 

This is not Franklin Company這里不是富蘭克林公司。

Who would you like to talk to speak to?請(qǐng)問找哪位? 

I'd like to meet you the day after tomorrow我想在后天拜訪你。

Would you wake me up at six?六點(diǎn)鐘能叫我起床嗎?

I'd like to talk to you about the new product我想要和你談?wù)勑庐a(chǎn)品。 

I'd like to make an appointment with Mr Scott我想要跟史考特先生約個(gè)時(shí)間見面。 

I'd like to book two tickets from Paris to London我要預(yù)定兩張從巴黎到倫敦的票。 

Do you have a single room available tomorrow night?明晚還有單人間嗎? 

I'd like to make a reservation for a single room我想要預(yù)定一間單人間。 

I prefer a room with an ocean view我想要一間可以看到海景的房間。 

Does that include service charge and tax?包含服務(wù)費(fèi)和稅嗎?】】】】】】】】

I'm sorry, but we have no one by that name here對(duì)不起,這里沒有人叫那個(gè)名字 】

We don't have any Smith working here沒有史密斯在這邊工作。 

I'd like a wake up call at seven tomorrow morning明天早晨七點(diǎn)請(qǐng)叫我起床。

No one answers in Mr Scott's office史考特先生的辦公室沒人接電話。 

He's here but he's not at his desk right now他有來上班,不過現(xiàn)在不在座位上。 

He left for New York on business until July 22nd他到紐約出差,要到7月22日才能回來。

I'll give her your message as soon as possible我將盡快地轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)尼的留言給她。 

I'd like to reserve a seat at twelve to London我想要預(yù)定一個(gè)座位,十二點(diǎn)開往倫敦的火車。 

What time is the flight scheduled to leave today?那班飛機(jī)今天何時(shí)起飛?

Hello, This is carol May I speak to Miss Chen?喂,我是卡羅,可以請(qǐng)陳小姐聽電話嗎?

【【2010.11.30】Yes, one moment please,I'll get her for you好,請(qǐng)等一下,我為你轉(zhuǎn)接。

It's urgent Could I have her mobilephone number?我有急事,可不可以告訴我她的手機(jī)號(hào)碼?

Could you tell me where I can reach her?能不能告訴我在哪里可以找到她?

Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible?能不能請(qǐng)她盡快打電話給卡洛? 

Ask her to call Carol at home after seven, please麻煩她在七點(diǎn)后打電話到卡洛家。 

I'm calling from a public phone, so I'll call her again我現(xiàn)在是打公用電話,我會(huì)再打給她。 

I'm sorry,I think I must have dialed the wrong number很抱歉。我想我一定是打錯(cuò)電話了。

Could I check the number?Is it 2211-3344 我可以核對(duì)一下電話號(hào)碼嗎?是不是2211-3344? 

I'd like to buy the car on your TV commercial我想要買你們電視廣告上的汽車。 

Do you have any Life Menu Magazine tenth stock?你們第十期的"生活菜單"還有存貨嗎? 

The Product you sent to me is not what I ordered你們送來的產(chǎn)品不是我訂的東西 

Congratulations! I'm sure you two will make a nice couple祝你們佳偶天成。

I heard you're getting marriedCongratulations! 我聽說你們要結(jié)婚了,恭喜阿! 

Thank you for the present,It's just what I wanted謝謝你的禮物,這正是我想要的。

Thank you but I have a lot to learn yet謝謝你,但我還有很多要學(xué)習(xí)的地方

Can I have extension two-one-one, please?能幫我轉(zhuǎn)分機(jī)211嗎?

May I speak to David, extension tow-one-one?我可以找211分機(jī)的大衛(wèi)嗎?

Please connect me with extension two-one-one請(qǐng)幫我轉(zhuǎn)分機(jī)211。

Do you know what time she will be back?你知道他幾點(diǎn)回來?

Would you please ask him to call me taday?能不能請(qǐng)他今天回電話給我? 

Could you tell him to call me as soon as possible?能不能請(qǐng)他盡快回電話給我? 

Could you just tell him David called?能不能告訴他大衛(wèi)來過電話? 

Please tell him to call Carol at 2233-4455請(qǐng)他撥打2233-4455給卡洛回電話。 

Could you tell me where I can reach him?可以告訴我怎樣才能找到他嗎? 

Would you please send me the data by e-mail?你能用電子郵件將資料傳送給我嗎? 

Franklin Company Personnel Department富蘭克林公司人事部。 

Good morning Franklin Company, may I help you?早晨好,富蘭克林公司。我可以為你服務(wù)嗎? 

Personnel DepartmentThis is Carol speaking

Could you put me through to the personnel department, please?請(qǐng)幫我接人事部好嗎? 

This is an emergencyI need to get in contact with him right now

I don't know how to thank you for such a beautiful flower真不知道要如何謝謝你, 這么漂亮的花。 

I received your gift,Thank you for the lovely bracelet我收到你的禮物了。謝謝你可愛的手鐲。

Please tell him I called and I'll call him again tomorrow請(qǐng)告訴他我來過電話,并且我明天會(huì)再打給他。

Her line is busy at the moment,Can somebody else help you?她正在通電話,別的人可以幫你嗎?

I'd like to place an order for your party dress from your catalog我想要訂你們目錄上的晚禮服。

I'm sorry,Mr Scott was transferred to our branch office對(duì)不起,史考特先生已經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)調(diào)到分公司。 

I'm sorry, but he is unable to come to the phone now很抱歉,他現(xiàn)在無法接電話。 

Would it be possible to see Mr Scott sometime this week?請(qǐng)問這星期能否跟史考特先生見個(gè)面?

He's talking a long-distance call now, what can I do for you?他正在接長(zhǎng)途電話,有什么我可以幫你嗎? 

I'm sorry, but I was just on my way out很抱歉,我正好要出門.

I'm not at home now, so I'll call her around three o'clock again我現(xiàn)在不在家里,三點(diǎn)左右我會(huì)再打給她。

Mr Smith took over his job,I'll connect you One moment, please史密斯先生接替了它的工作。稍待一會(huì)兒,我?guī)湍戕D(zhuǎn)接。

Can I get back to you later?可不可以稍后再打給你   

    轉(zhuǎn)藏 分享 獻(xiàn)花(0



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