


 南山松林 2012-04-26
1. 哪些動詞后可有賓語補足語
 這類動詞有:consider(考慮), think(認為), believe(相信), discover(發(fā)現(xiàn)), find(發(fā)現(xiàn)), imagine(想象),prove(證明), suppose(假設)等。
這類動詞后的不定式通常是“to be+形容詞或名詞”結(jié)構(gòu),think(認為), consider(考慮), find(發(fā)現(xiàn))后的to be??墒÷?。
●We consider him (to be) a good teacher.我們認為他是一個好老師。
●I thought her (to be) nice and honest the first time I met her. 我第一次見到她的時候就認為她人很好,很誠實。 
●I believe it to be true. 我相信那是真的。 
 這類動詞有:love(愛好), like(喜歡), prefer(更喜歡), hate(不喜歡), want(想要), wish(希望), expect(期望)等。
●I’d prefer you to leave him alone. 我希望你不要打擾他。
●I don’t want them to be any trouble. 我不想他們有任何麻煩。
hope, demand, suggest等動詞后面不能接不定式作賓語補足語。
●I hope you can give me a hand.=I wish you to give me a hand.  
●He demanded that we should be present at the meeting.= He required us to be present at the meeting. 他要求我們出席會議。
●Mr. Li suggested that she should not go there alone.= Mr. Li advised her not to go there alone李先生建議她不要獨自去那里。 
2. 賓語補足語的形式
●I found him in yesterday. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)他昨天在家。
●I think her out now.我認為她現(xiàn)在出去了。
(2)形容詞作賓語補足語的動詞有:keep(保持), get(使), think(認為), find(認為,發(fā)現(xiàn)), make(使)等。
●We must keep our classroom clean.我們必須保持教室干凈。 
●Don’t get your clothes dirty.別把衣服弄臟了。
(3)常接名詞作賓語補足語的動詞有:call, name, make, think等。
●We call them mooncakes. 我們叫他們月餅。
●She thought her son (to be) a honest boy. 她認為她的兒子是一個誠實的男孩。
(4)常接動詞-ing形式作賓語補足語的動詞有:see, watch, hear, find, keep等。表示動作正在進行。
●In the country, we can hear birds singing. 在農(nóng)村我們可以聽見鳥兒唱歌。
●I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感覺到風吹著我的臉。
(5)常接介詞短語作賓語補足語的動詞有:keep, find, leave等。
●I left my pen on my desk at home. 
●I found my grandpa in the garden.我發(fā)現(xiàn)爺爺在花園里。
1) 常接帶to的動詞不定式作賓語補足語的動詞有:advise(建議), allow(允許), tell(告訴), want(想要), wish(希望), would like(想要), get(使), ask(要求), teach(教 )
●She often asks me to help her. 她常常叫我?guī)椭?/div>
●We don’t allow such things to happen again.我們不允許這樣的事情再發(fā)生了。
2) 接不帶to的動詞不定式作賓語補足語的動詞有:see(看見), watch(觀看), hear(聽見), make(讓), let(讓), feel(感覺), notice(注視)等。
●I often see him play football. 我常??匆娝咦闱?。
●They heard her sing in the next room.他們聽見她在隔壁房間里唱歌。
3) 用不定式作賓語補足語的幾種說明
① help后面作賓語補足語的動詞不定式可以帶to也可以不帶to。
●I often help my mother(to) do some housework..我常常幫我媽媽干家務活。
有些動詞跟不定式作賓語補足語時省去了to,這些動詞是“一感二聽三讓四觀看”。 一感:feel; 二聽:hear, listen to;三讓:let, have, make;四觀看:see, watch, look at ,notice 。
●Let him do whatever he wishes to do.他想干什么就讓他干吧。
●Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little 
 4)掌握“使役動詞 have + 賓語+過去分詞”的幾種含義 
  在“ have +賓語+過去分詞”結(jié)構(gòu)中,過去分詞作賓語補足語, have 也可用 get 。這一結(jié)構(gòu)具有以下幾種含義: 
●He wants to have his eyes examined tomorrow.   他明天想去檢查眼睛。(“檢查”的動作由醫(yī)生來進行) 
●Be careful, or you’ll have your hands hurt. 當心,否則會弄傷手的。 
●He had the walls painted this morning. 他今早把墻漆了。(主語自己可能參與)
●I’m waiting for James to arrive.我正等著詹姆斯的到來。
●He’s arranged for a car to pick them up at the station.他已安排了一輛汽車去車站接他們。
 1) 跟分詞作賓語補足語的動詞有: make(讓), have(使), get(使), keep(保持), hear(聽), find(發(fā)現(xiàn)), feel(感覺), start(開始), begin(開始), notice(注視), watch(觀看)等。
●There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself heard.由于十分吵鬧,講話人沒法讓人聽到他的聲音。
●When he awoke, he found himself being looked after by an old woman.

在listen to和look at后面也可跟賓語+現(xiàn)在分詞(即賓語補足語)。
●Sometimes she would listen to him playing the saxophone.有時她會聽他吹奏薩克斯管。
●She looked at him waiting there.她瞧著他等在那里
3. 現(xiàn)在分詞、不定式作賓語補足語的區(qū)別。
●He saw her working in the garden. (She was working in the garden.)他看見她在花園里干活。
●He saw her enter the room.(She entered the room.)他看見她走進屋子。
(2)使役動詞get,have既可以跟現(xiàn)在分詞也可以跟不定式作賓語補足語。get sb. to do/have sb. do sth表示“使/讓/叫某人去做某事”,側(cè)重動作的結(jié)果;have sb./sth doing表示“使/讓某人/物持續(xù)地做某事”,側(cè)重動作的持續(xù);get sb/sth doing表示“使某人/物開始行動起來”,側(cè)重動作的開始。試比較下面的句子:
●Mother had me go to the shop and buy some salt.母親讓我到商店買一些鹽。
●I can’t get him to stop smoking. He won’t listen to me.我不能使他戒煙。他不聽我的話。
●The mother had the boy cleaning the room the whole afternoon.母親讓這個男孩整個下午清理房間。
●I can’t get the car starting. 我不能把車發(fā)動起來。
(   )1.There must be someone at the door. I heard a bell         .
     A. ring   B. to ring C. ringing   D. was ringing
(   )2. The news made me         .
A.excite B.exciting C.excites D.excited
(   )3. Mum always tells me        hard.
A.am studying B.studying C.to study D. study
(   )4. Look! Can you see a boy        towards us?
A.run B.to run C. runs D.running
(   )5. They call his son         .
A.doing homework B. Jim C. homework D.a Jim
(   )6. --Why did you go back to the shop?
--I left my friend________there.
     A.waiting   B.to wait C.wait   D.waits
(   )7. She requested him         with her.
     A. go B.going C.goned D.to go 
(   )8. Robert often asks us         his Chinese, so his Chinese is much better than before.
A. help him B. to help him with C. to help with D. helps him with
(   )9. Mr Li often teaches his Japanese friends         Chinese food.
A. cook B. cooks C. to cook D. cooked
(   )10. You must keep the classroom          and tidy everyday.
      A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning
(   )11. Let him         first.
      A. to be in B. in   C. is in D.to be
(   )12. I had my bike         this morning. 
      A. repair B. repaired C.repairing D. repairs
(   )13. You can ask your teacher to give you         .
      A. a hand B. to a hand C. to hand D. handed
(   )14. She made him           smoking.
      A. to give up    B. give up   C. gives up D. giving up
(   )15. Would you like us         with you?
A. go B. to go   C. going D. gone

1. C 此處考查現(xiàn)在分詞作賓語補足語,由句意“門口一定有人,我聽見門鈴響了”可知是動作正在進行,感官動詞hear的賓語補足語有hear sb do sth和 hear sb doing sth, 前者強調(diào)完成了,而后者強調(diào)正在發(fā)生的動作。
2. D 此處考查過去分詞作賓語補足語,me指人,形容人時應該用excited作賓語補足語。
3. C 此處考查不定式作賓語補足語,固定搭配tell sb. to do sth.。
4. D 此處考查現(xiàn)在分詞作賓語補足語,由look可知動作正在進行,see sb. doing sth.表示動作正在進行。
5. B 此處考查名詞作賓語補足語,call后不能接現(xiàn)在分詞,再由句意可知是叫他們的兒子的名字,名字前不能加冠詞,所以選擇Jim。
6. A 此處考查現(xiàn)在分詞作賓語補足語,由句意“為什么回到了商店,我讓我的朋友在那兒等”,朋友在那兒等的動作正在進行,所以用waiting。
7. D 此處考查動詞不定式作賓語補足語,request的賓語補足語只能用動詞不定式,也可以看成固定搭配request sb to do sth.“要求某人做某事”。
8. B  此處考查動詞不定式和介詞短語作賓語補足語,固定搭配ask sb. to do sth“叫某人做某事”,help sb with sth.  “幫助某人做某事”,with his Chinese 作him的賓語補足語,to help him with his Chinese作us的賓語補足語。
9. C  此處考查動詞不定式作賓語補足語,固定搭配teach sb to do sth“教某人做某事”。
10. A 此處考查形容詞作賓語補足語,由and tidy可知,tidy 是一個形容詞,and連接的兩
11. B此處考查副詞作賓語補足語,let后不能接動詞不定式,固定搭配是let sb do sth.“讓某人做某事”;let sb. in/ out “讓某人進來/出去”。
12. B 此處考查過去分詞作賓語補足語, my bike是動作的承受者,構(gòu)成邏輯上的動賓關(guān)系,應該由過去分詞作賓語補足語,have sth. done“讓別人去做某事”。
13. A 此處考查名詞作賓語補足語,固定搭配give sb sth “給某人某物”;give sb a hand“給某人幫助”。
14. B 此處考查不帶to的動詞不定式作賓語補足語,make后接不帶to的動詞不定式作賓語補足語。
15. B 此處考查動詞不定式作賓語補足語,would like后應該接動詞不定式作賓語或賓語補足語。 

定語從句在句中做定語,修飾名詞、詞組或代詞,被修飾的名詞、詞組或代詞叫先行詞。定語從句通常在先行詞之后,由關(guān)系詞(關(guān)系代詞或關(guān)系副詞)引出,關(guān)系代詞有who, whom, whose, that, which等;關(guān)系副詞有when, where, why等。關(guān)系詞常有三個作用:1. 引導定語從句。2. 代替先行詞。3. 在定語從句中擔當一個成分。
1. 確定關(guān)系詞
確定關(guān)系詞應該遵循三個步驟:1.確定先行詞 2. 確定關(guān)系詞 3. 確定定語從句中的人稱、數(shù)和時態(tài)。
●The person who/ that is asking to see you is James. 要求見你的人是詹姆士。(the person是先行詞)
●The book which/ that I left here just now is gone. 我剛才放在這里的書不見了。(the book是先行詞)
●I’ll forever remember the days whish/ that we spent on the seashore. 我將永遠記住咱們在海濱一起度過的那些日子。(the days是先行詞)
●The person who/ that is asking to see you is James. 要求見你的人是詹姆士。(先行詞the person指人,這個先行詞在定語從句中作主語,因此關(guān)系詞應選who 或that)
●The book which/ that I left here just now is gone. 我剛才放在這里的書不見了。(先行詞the book指物,在定語從句中作left的賓語,因此應選擇關(guān)系代詞which 或that)
●I’ll forever remember the days whish/ that we spent on the seashore. 我將永遠記住咱們在海濱一起度過的那些日子。(先行詞the days指時間,在定語從句中作spent的賓語,因此應選擇關(guān)系代詞which或 that)
●I’ll forever remember the days whish/ that we played on the seashore. 我將永遠記住咱們在海濱玩耍的那些日子。(先行詞the days指時間,在定語從句中作時間狀語,因此應選擇關(guān)系副詞when)
●The person who/ that is asking to see you is James. 要求見你的人是詹姆士。(先行詞是單數(shù),因此定語從句中的謂語動詞也應用單數(shù)形式,其時態(tài)應該根據(jù)定語從句的意思而定)
●The book which/ that I left here just now is gone. 我剛才放在這里的書不見了。(定語從句中的just now決定了定語從句中謂語動詞的時態(tài))
2. 關(guān)系代詞引導的定語從句
(1) who指人,在從句中作主語。
●Do you know the man who is sitting behind Nancy?  你認識正坐在南茜后面的那個人嗎?
●Yesterday I helped an old granny who lost her way.昨天我?guī)土艘晃幻月返睦夏棠獭?/div>
●Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you looked for yesterday.  劉先生就是你昨天找的那個人。
●Tom is just the boy (whom) I want to visit.  湯姆正是我想去拜訪的那個男孩。
●She is the woman teacher whom/who I talk with. 她就是和我說話的那個女老師。
●The man who/whom you met just now is my friend. 你剛才遇見的那個人是我的朋友。
●Many young people love the songs which have great lyrics. (作主語)  許多年輕人喜愛有優(yōu)美歌詞的歌曲。
●This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. (作賓語) 這是我昨天買的鋼筆。
●The number of the people that/who come to visit the zoo each month is over ten thousand. (作主語)  每月來參觀動物園的人數(shù)超過一萬。
●Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning? (作賓語)今天早晨我看見的那個人在哪兒。
(5)whose通常指人,也可指物,在定語從句中只作定語,若指物還可以和of which互換。
●He has a friend whose father is a doctor. (指人)  他有一個爸爸是醫(yī)生的朋友。
●I once lived in a house whose/ of which roof has fallen in. (指物)我曾經(jīng)住在屋頂落下的房子里。
3. 關(guān)系副詞引導的定語從句
(1) when指時間,在定語從句中作時間狀語。
●Without friendship, one can’t be happy although he is rich enough. As for me, I will never forget the days when I spent with my dearest friend.  沒有友誼,即使他足夠富有也不會快樂。至于我,我從不會忘記與我最親近的朋友一起度過的時光。 
●The time when we got together finally came.  我們相聚的時光終于來臨。
●I hope to visit Hawaii some day. It is a place where the weather is always warm. 我希望有一天去參觀夏威夷,它是一個氣候暖和的地方。
●The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.十年前我住的那個房子被推倒了。
●Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. 請告訴我你誤機的原因。
●I don’t know the reason why he looks unhappy today. 我不知道他今天不高興的原因。
●The reason why/ for which he refused the invitation is not clear.不清楚他拒絕邀請的原因。
●The year when/in which he came here was 1990. 他是1990年來這兒的。
●Great changes have taken place in the city in which./where I was born.我出生的那個城市發(fā)生了很大變化。
(4)that 代替關(guān)系副詞
●His father died the year ( that/ when/ in which ) he was born. 他的父親在他出生的那年去世了。
●He didn’t tell me the reason that/ why/for which he was late.他沒有告訴我他遲到的原因。
4. that和which的用法區(qū)別
(1)在下列情況下只用which 而不用that 。
●What’s the question about which they are talking.=What’s the question that/ which they are talking about.他們正在談論的問題是什么?
2)當先行詞為that 時,關(guān)系代詞用which。
●What’s that which you are holding in your hands.你手里拿的是什么東西?
(2)在下列情況下只用that 而不用which 。
1)當先行詞為不定代詞everything, nothing, something, anything, none, the one等詞時。
●I’m a sport fan. I’m interested in everything that is about the 2008 Olympic Games. 我是體育迷。我對2008奧運會的一切都感興趣。
●This book is the one (that) I am looking for. 這本書是我正找的那本。
2)當先行詞前有only, any, all, no, few, little, one of, just, very 等詞時。
●The only thing (that) we could do was to wait.  我們能做的唯一事情就是等。
●That’s all (that) o know. 我知道的就這些。
●Jim is the cleverest boy that I have known.  吉姆是我認識的最聰明的男孩。
●This book is the most interesting that I have read. 這本書是我讀過的最有趣的書。
●The first friend that I have is my mother.  我的第一位老師是我的媽媽。
●The first thing (that) we should do is to work out a plan. 我們應該做的第一件事是訂個計劃。
5)當先行詞既有人又有物時,用which 和who 都不行,只用that 。
●The musician and his music that you just talked about is really well-known.你們正談論的那個音樂家和他的樂曲真的很有名。
●LuXun and his works that you know is famous all over the world. 你知道的魯迅和他的著作是世界著名的。
6)主句是there be 結(jié)構(gòu),修飾主語的定語從句用that 。
●There is boiling water in the hotel that is free.   旅館里有免費的開水。
●There are many things that I have to do. 我有很多事情要做。
5. 限定性定語從句和非限定性定語從句
●The distance that light travels in one second is 300 thousand kilometers. 光在一秒鐘運行的距離為30萬公里。
●Those who want to go please sign their names here. 想去的人在這里簽名。
(2)非限定性定語從句與先行 的關(guān)系比較松散,從句只是對先行詞的附加說明,如果省去,也不影響主句的意思,它和主句之間往往用逗號分開,譯成漢語時,從句常常單獨譯成一句。
●She is going to spend the summer holidays in Wuhan, where her father works . 她將到武漢去度暑假,她的爸爸在那兒工作。
●I have a story book, which my brother gave it to me.我有一本故事書,它是我哥哥給我的。

(   )1. This is         I wanted.
      A. The one what   B. which C. one which   D. the one            
(   )2. Mr Smith, there is someone at the front desk        would like to speak with you.
A. he   B. who     C. which     D. whom                               
(   )3.. Do you like music         makes you excited?
      A. that B. what   C. who   D. it                                  
(   )4.. I work for a company         sells cars.
      A. which   B. where   C. what D. who                          
(   )5.. --Have you found the information about famous people        you can use for the report?
--Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.
A. which     B. who     C. what     D. whom                            
(   )6. --Have you been to new Sports Center         is just opened in town?
      --No, not yet.
      A. where   B. who C. that D. when                              
(   )7. The spaceship         will be launched (發(fā)射) in 2008 will be called Shenzhou VII.
      A. who     B. that     C. what     D. when                                 
(   )8. The girl         won the match not so long ago is called GuoYue, a famous Chinese table tennis players
      A. who B. which   C. what D. whom                              
(   )9. Miss Green is the only person         can help you with your English.
      A. which   B. that C. what   D. whom   
(   )10. —Nothing can bring him to sell the house.
—Yeah, it is the house         he has spent the happiest days of his life. 
A. that   B. which   C. for that   D. in which                            
(   )11. --Is the woman         walked past just now your teacher? 
        --Yes. She teaches         English. 
      A. that, our   B. who, us   C. whom, us   D. who, our                     
(   )12. --Is the girl        is interviewing the manager of that company your friend? 
--Yes,she is a journalist from CCTV. 
A. whom     B. which     C. who     D. whose                           
(   )13. --Do you know the man         is running along the street?
        --Yes. He is our English teacher.
      A. who B. which C. whom       D. when
(   )14. I still remember the day        I first came to the school.
      A. what B. when C. who     D. where
(   )15. The girls        we are playing with are from Class Three.
      A. what B. which C. who D. whom
(   )16.Can you lend me the book         the other day?
A. about which you talked B. which you talked
C. about that you talked D. that you talked  
(   )17.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of         sat a small boy.
A. whom   B. who   C. which   D. that
(   )18. I’m going to buy everything         I need.
      A. who B. that   C. where     D. which
(   )19.He talked a lot about things and persons         they remembered in the school.
A. which   B. that C. whom D. what
(   )20. Shanghai is the city        I was born.
      A. that B. when C. where D. which
1. D 由is 可知其后要接一個表語,這樣可以排除B 和C ,A的第一個字母大寫,不能放于句中,填the one 正好是省略了關(guān)系詞that。 
2. B 此句的先行詞是someone指人,且在從句中作主語,所以選擇who。
3. A 此句的先行詞是music,指物所以用關(guān)系詞that。
4. A 此句的先行詞是a company指物且在從句中作主語,用關(guān)系詞which。
5. A 注意此句的先行詞不是famous people而是the information,the information 指物。
6. C 此句的先行詞是new Sports Center指地點,但在句中作主語,所以用that 而不用where。
7. B 此句的先行詞是the spaceship指物,關(guān)系詞用that。
8. A 此句的先行詞是the girl指人且在從句中作主語,所以關(guān)系詞用who。
9. B 此句的先行詞是the only person,雖然是人,但含有only且作從句的主語,所以選擇that。
10. D此句的先行詞是the house 指地點,且在從句中作地點狀語,所以用in which。 
11. B 第一句是定語從句,先行詞是the woman且在從句中作主語,那么關(guān)系詞可以用that 或who,第二個空作動詞賓語其后用賓格形式的代詞。
12. C 此句的先行詞是the girl在從句中作主語,所以選擇who。
13. A 此句的先行詞是the man在從句中作主語,所以選擇who。 
14. B 此句的先行詞是the day指時間,在從句中作狀語,所以關(guān)系詞用when。
15. C 此句的先行詞是the girls在句中作介詞with的賓語,所以選擇whom。
16. A 此句的先行詞是the book,由句意可知是談論talk about,而介詞后的關(guān)系詞只能用which,所以排除C,而B和D后均應該跟about。
17. C關(guān)系詞前有介詞,而介詞之后只能用which。
18. B此句的先行詞是everything,不定代詞當先行詞時,關(guān)系詞只能用that。
19. B此句的先行詞是things and persons,當先行詞既指人又指物時,關(guān)系詞只能用that。
20. C 此句的先行詞是the city指地點,且在句中作狀語,所以用where。

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