


 tushuguan200 2014-05-19
可以先打定金的啊,你跟客戶說貨款安排的怎么樣了,現(xiàn)在也有一批貨物要生產(chǎn),如果你現(xiàn)在付定金,我們可以一起安排訂料生產(chǎn),這樣會加快我們交貨的時間。  2. 
Dear Customer 
I got your formal order with many thanks, as per our agreement, we need your deposit to start production, would you please arrange it asap better before xx date, if so, we still can push factory to do the bulk production in order to let you get the goods in due time, thank you for your cooperation. Regards xx  
Dear ***, 
Sorry to trouble you again. Because the busy order season is coming, please confirm the details and arrange the wire transfer soon. We need to arrange the mass production asap to keep the delivery on time. Thanks. 
Kind Regards. *** 3. 
To Whom It May Concern, 
We sent you email on xxxx(date) and wanted to check out whether you have received our invoice for the shipment on xxxx(date), but we haven't received any response from you yet.  I would like to remind you that the deadline for payment is coming according to our contact. I would appreciate if you would be able to make your payment before March 31, 2010.  Please contact us should  you have any questions! Sincerely yours, Xxxxx  
Dear Customers, 
According to our contract, the payment is past due. Please make the payment as soon as possible so that we can process to the next stage. The payment should be made no later than March 31st. We have already sent the reciept, please respond to confirm that you have recieve it. thanks XXXXX 4. 
An early remittance will be appreciated.   遲付的60美元, 請速予寄下為荷。   
Please let us have your check for the $60 now past overdue.   

     全國注冊建筑師、建造師考試  備考資料  歷年真題  考試心得  模擬試題      

有鑒于此,相信貴方將隨復函寄來支票, 特此致謝。   
With these facts before you, we feel sure that you will send us your check by return mail. Thank you.   
We urge that you make this settlement without delay.   
何不立即對此案作一結算? 請在今日將支票隨函發(fā)出即可。   
Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter, and send it by today's mail.   催告付款   
Having made repeated applications for apyment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same   下星期一以前未能清結本件款項,不得已,將委任我公司顧問律師處理。   
We wish to state that if the account be not paid by Monday next, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands o four solicitors.   
In spite of your repeated promises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settlement of your outstanding account, and therefore, unless same is settled by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to hand over the matter to our solicitor.   對于此事,貴方似乎在趁機利用我公司的寬容態(tài)度。本函系最后通告所,復函時請匯足夠金額,以結此帳,否則只好采取其它途徑,特此函告。   
As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.  5. 
Dear XX, 
In order to send the telex release to you early, could you  please arrange the paymnet for us as soon as possible,thanks! 6. 
船是2.28號走的,現(xiàn)在我們經(jīng)理叫我寫催款信給客戶,大致意思是說不給我們付款就不寄清關資料 Dear 
Goods already shipped out on 28th, Feb, according to our contract, hope you can swift the rest money on time, once you paid, please kindly offer me the bank receipt Looking to hearing from you soon 
第一次催款不要說不付款我們不給你清關資料,這樣客戶感覺會很不好,有些以此要挾的意思,一般是要到了萬不得已才說,你不給錢我們不給你清關資料,當然如果你非要提,可以郵件改成這樣 Dear 
Goods already shipped out on 28th, Feb, according to our contract, hope you can swift the rest money on time, once we get the bank receip we will send out the clearance documents ASAP 


Looking to hearing from you soon  
Pls pay the balance to our company in time, so that i can send the documents by express to you after getting your payment.Otherwise, we can be responssible for the delay for you to get your goods from your country Custom. 
如果客戶付了定金,就用 the balance;如果沒有付過定金,就用the money。 郵件的開頭和結尾,你應該會寫吧。  7. 
催客戶付款英文郵件 dear xx: 
how are u?would u pls kindly inform when will u  make the payment? thanks in advance! best regards xxx 
可以把客戶欠的款做一份對賬表,附件發(fā)給國外客戶,然后郵件里寫: Enclosed is the check sheet for your outstanding payment. 
Please kindly check it and make the payment on your earlier convenience! Thanks in advance! With Best Regards

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