


 楊欣賢 2015-01-24


考綱規(guī)定,要考查形容詞和副詞的基本用法:形容詞作定語、表語和賓語補足語的用法; 時間、地點、方式、程度、疑問、連接、關系等副詞的用法;形容詞和副詞的位置;形容詞和副詞的級別;常見形容詞和副詞的用法比較。




1. 形容詞的用法



a beautiful park 一座美麗的公園

The play Tea-house is both moving and interesting。

Who left the window open?

(2)“定冠詞the + 形容詞”表示一類人或物,作“主語或賓語”,意思為“……的一種人”,“……的一類東西或事情”。如:

The new will take the place of the old. 新事物將代替舊事物。

The young are fond of sports 。年輕人喜歡體育運動。

(3)某些動詞加“-ed ”和“–ing”都可構成形容詞,加-ed的形容詞表示“本身是……”,加“-ing”的形容詞表示“能夠引起……”, 如:

The disappointing boy made his parents very disappointed。這個令人失望的男孩讓讓父母很失望。

We were excited when we heard the exciting news。


1)形容詞 + 名詞 + ed kind-hearted好心的,white-haired白發(fā)的

2) 形容詞 + 形容詞 red-hot熾熱的,dark-blue深藍的

3)形容詞 + 現(xiàn)在分詞 good-looking好看的,easy-going隨和的

4)副詞 + 現(xiàn)在分詞 hard-working勤勞的,fast-moving快速轉動的

5)副詞 + 過去分詞 hard-won得來不易的,newly-made新建的

6)名詞 + 形容詞 life-long終生的,world-famous世界聞名的

7)名詞 + 現(xiàn)在分詞 peace-loving愛好和平的,fun-loving愛開玩笑的

8)名詞 + 過去分詞 snow-covered白雪覆蓋的,hand-made手工的

9)數(shù)詞 + 名詞 + ed four-storeyed 4層樓的,three-legged 3條腿的

10)數(shù)詞 + 名詞(名詞用單數(shù)) ten-year 10年的,two-man兩人的




They went boating in Zhongshan Park yesterday。

Xiao Li works very hard in the factory every day。.

(2)頻度副詞 always, seldom, often, never, rarely, usually通常位于行為動詞之前,系動詞、助動詞和情態(tài)動詞之后。

He usually gets up at six and he is never late for class。

You can’t always be right。

He often comes here.

He is very young ,so he is not old enough to go to school。

(3)程度副詞一般放在被修飾詞之前(但 enough除外)。


Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. 一般來說教師能把自己的意思表達清楚。

3. 形容詞、副詞比較級的用法


單音節(jié)詞的比較級在原級的基礎上加“-er”構成;雙音節(jié)及多音節(jié)詞加more構成。如:brighter, faster, earlier, more widely more carefully。最高級在形容詞和副詞原級基礎上加“-est”構成;雙音節(jié)及多音節(jié)詞加most構成。

常見不規(guī)則變化的形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級  比較級常用句型:

1)比較級 + and + 比較級 “越來越……”。例如:

It is getting cooler and cooler in autumn。

2)the more…the more… “越……,越……”。例如:

The more fruit you eat, the healthier you will be。

3)no more than “只不過,僅僅”,后面接名詞或數(shù)詞,起形容詞作用。 例如:

What he is saying is no more than a joke. 他所講的只不過是個玩笑而已。

4)no more…than… “和……同樣不……”。例如:

He can no more play the piano than I can play basketball. 他不會彈鋼琴和我同樣不會打籃球一樣

5)no less than “多達,竟有……之多,不下于”。例如:

There were no less than two thousand people at the match. 這場比賽不下于兩千人到場觀看。 6)no less…than “和……一樣,不遜于”。例如:

Our monitor is no less diligent than he used to be. 我們的班長和以前一樣勤奮


Your story is perfect. I’ve never heard a better one before. 你的故事太棒了。我原來從來沒有聽過這么好的。


1. 形容詞的幾種特殊情況



I have something important to tell you。

Is there anyone absent today?

(2)表語形容詞(afraid、alike、alone、asleep、awake、alive,ashamed,well, sorry, unable, worth, sure等)不僅作表語,還可以做賓語補足語和作后置定語。如:

He was ashamed at being unable to give a correct answer。


Time alone will show who was right. 只有時間能證明到底誰對。


I'm going to take you somewhere else. 我要帶你去別處。

Is there anything else you want? 你還要些別的什么嗎?

Who else is there in the house? 屋子里還有誰?


A man so difficult to please must be hard to get along。


cannot, never 與enough 兩用,表示“在……也不為過”。

I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby(nearby snack bar). 我在附近一家快餐店吃午飯。

She plays well enough for a beginner。對于初學者來說, 她彈奏得已相當不錯了。

You can never be careful enough (= You can never be too careful) in the street。在大街上,你再小心也不為過。


We arrived home, tired and hungry。我們到家了,又累又餓。

2. 比較級、最高級使用注意點


比較級的程度修飾語有:基本程度副詞:much, very much, a lot, a great deal, far, by far, even, still, a bit, a little, rather, any (用于疑問句和否定句);具體數(shù)詞;抽象數(shù)詞;倍數(shù);分數(shù);百分數(shù)。

高級前可用nearly , almost , about , next , by far , by no means 或序數(shù)詞進行修飾。

例如:Of the three boys , Mike is by no means the most diligent。

(2) 倍數(shù)的幾種表達形式:

1) …. times +as形容詞副詞原級 as+ …

2) … times +形容詞副詞比較級+than …

3) …. Times+ the +n. +性質名詞 +of …

4) The +名詞 +be +… times that /those of …

5) The +名詞+be +… times + what從句

This room is 3 times as big as that one。

This room is twice bigger than that one。

This room is 3 times the size of that one。

The output of this year is 4 four times that of 2008.

The output of this year is 4 times what it was in 2008.

3. 分清常用同義與近義形容詞、副詞在表達中的語義差別。

(A)ago、before: ago表示以現(xiàn)在為起點的“以前”;before指以過去或將來的某時刻為起點的“以前”。泛指“以前”用before而不用 ago。

(B)already、yet、still: already表示某事已經(jīng)發(fā)生;yet表示期待某事發(fā)生;still表示某事還在進行,主要用于肯定句。

(C)too、also、either: too和also用于肯定句,too多用于口語,also多用于書面語,either用于否定句。




(G)hard、difficult:均表“困難”,但 hard通常指體力上困難;difficult則指智力或技能上的困難,困難程度大于hard。它們都可作定語和表語

4. 以“-ly”結尾的詞性辨析。

1). 下列單詞以“-ly”結尾,但卻是形容詞而非副詞:lively、lonely、lovely、deadly、friendly、ugly、silly、likely、brotherly、timely等。

2). 表原意(無“-ly”)和引申意(有“-ly”)的副詞:

close近, closely 仔細地; late晚, lately最近;deep深,表示空間深度,deeply時常表示感情上的深度,深深地;wide表示空間寬度,widely廣泛地;free免費,freely 無限制地

3). 有無“-ly”意義大不相同的副詞:

dead完全,絕對be dead asleep

deadly非常be deadly tired

pretty相當be pretty certain that…,pretty good

prettily漂亮地be prettily dressed

close近Don’t sit close.

closely密切地Watch closely!

late晚、遲arrive late, come late

lately最近I haven’t seen him lately(recently)。


1. (2008全國卷1) The weather was ______ cold that I didn't like to leave my room.

A. really B. such C. too D. so

考點解析:考查副詞修飾形容詞在固定句型中的用法。so +adj. /adv. + that , 如此…。.以至于。 答案是 D。

2. (2008四川卷) Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _____ able to make a phone call. A. still B. even C. also D. ever

考點解析:考查副詞詞義的區(qū)別。 意為“雖然司機在事故中嚴重受傷,但是他還能打電話”。still“仍然”,even“甚至”,是加強語氣的,also“也”, ever“曾經(jīng)”。 根據(jù)語境選A。

3.(2008浙江卷)Running a company is not ______ a matter of hiring people — they also need to be trained。

A. simply B. partly C. seriously D. equally

考點解析:考查副詞詞義的區(qū)別。simply單單,只是,partly部分地 seriously嚴重地,equally平等地 根據(jù)語境選A。

4.(2008福建)In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _______ to people greeting him。

A. friendly B. lively C. worried D. cold

考點解析:考查具體語境下的形容詞詞義。friendly友好的,和善的;lively活潑的,生動的,激烈的;worried擔心的;cold冷淡的。盡管他一直受到不公正的對待,但他看上去對同他打招呼的人還是很友好。 根據(jù)題意A為正確答案。

5.(2008 浙江卷)There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country。

A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient


6. (2008江蘇卷)It is ______ to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people ______ after they are ill。

A. good; good B. well; better C. better; better D. better; good

考點解析:考查表語形容詞的比較級和形容詞做賓補。 本句為復合句,it是形式主語,真正的主語是動詞不定式短語to spend … rather than是固定短語,意為“與其說……,不如說……”。其句意為:與其把錢花在讓人康復上,倒不如將錢花在通過提升健康的生活來預防疾病上。第一空是 good 的比較級,第二空是well 的比較級。well表語形容詞, 意思是“健康的; 痊愈的”。 故選C。

7. (2008 北京卷) After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______。

A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired

C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired

考點解析:考查形容詞做伴隨或結果狀語。hungry and tired做狀語說明主語the three of them。故選B。

8. (2008陜西卷)Ten years ago the population of our village was_________ that of theirs。

A. as twice large as B. twice as large as

C. twice as much as D. as twice much as

考點解析:考查英語倍數(shù)表示法。英語倍數(shù)表示法一般采用以下三種句式:1.倍數(shù)+as+形容詞原級+as 2.倍數(shù)+形容詞比較級+than 3. 倍數(shù) + the +名詞(length, width, height等等)+ of . 只有B、 C形式正確,另外,population 不可以說much,只能用large,big作表語,故選B。

9. (2009年河北模擬)Although she did not know Beijing well, she made her way________ to the Bird Nest。

A. easy enough B. enough easy C. easily enough D. enough easily

考點解析:考查副詞修飾動詞短語作狀語和副詞enough的位置。 因為修飾動詞短語make one’s way要用副詞, 所以選easily 而enough修飾副詞時應該放在副詞后面。故選C。

10. (2009四川模擬)10,000 dollars is a large sum of money,but it is still ______than we need for a new house, A.very few B.very little C.far fewer D.far less

考點解析: 考查修飾不可名詞的形容詞比較級級。數(shù)量多少應用 little 比較級為 less,所以選D。

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