


 wupinkit 2015-05-02

唧唧堂最多產的心理學研究人Phyliss Gai又出現(xiàn)啦!3篇來自JPSP的論文:1. 性格和智商可以彌補家庭環(huán)境的不足嗎?2.自控力強的人在人際關系中更易受傷. 3. 出國交換對自尊心的影響. 以及一篇來自PS的文章:4. 講話比寫字更容易被聘用。點擊該頁底部連接“閱讀原文”可訪問Phyliss的研究人空間,與之交流與互動。

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JPSP: 性格和智商可以彌補家庭環(huán)境的不足嗎?

photo by Ahmed Mustafa

無數(shù)的研究表明家庭經濟條件對孩子的未來有著直接的影響。社會真的如此不公—富人愈富,窮人愈窮嗎?孩子自身的特質是否可以扭轉這種影響?美國的學者們 通過分析40多年前的數(shù)據(jù),得出了肯定的答案。

美國的Project Talent于1960年收集了全國5%高中生的數(shù)據(jù),又在11年后再次收集數(shù)據(jù)。數(shù)據(jù)雖老,但美國社會這些年來還算相對穩(wěn)定。結果發(fā)現(xiàn),除父母的經濟狀 況外,性格、智商都可以預測這些高中生11年后的成就(受教育程度、職業(yè)聲望、年收入)。不過,五大性格特征(親和、盡責、外向、情緒穩(wěn)定、開放)并不能 彌補家庭條件帶來的差距,智商卻可以。在經濟條件越差的家庭,孩子的智商與未來收入的關系也越強。但智商對受教育程度和職業(yè)聲望的影響,則在富有的家庭更 為明顯。



Can Personality Traits and Intelligence Compensate for Background Disadvantage? Predicting Status Attainment in Adulthood.

Damian, Rodica Ioana; Su, Rong; Shanahan, Michael; Trautwein, Ulrich; Roberts, Brent W.


This study investigated the interplay of family background and individual differences, such as personality traits and intelligence (measured in a large U.S. representative sample of high school students; N = 81,000) in predicting educational attainment, annual income, and occupational prestige 11 years later. Specifically, we tested whether individual differences followed 1 of 3 patterns in relation to parental socioeconomic status (SES) when predicting attained status: (a) the independent effects hypothesis (i.e., individual differences predict attainments independent of parental SES level), (b) the resource substitution hypothesis (i.e., individual differences are stronger predictors of attainments at lower levels of parental SES), and (c) the Matthew effect hypothesis (i.e., “the rich get richer”; individual differences are stronger predictors of attainments at higher levels of parental SES). We found that personality traits and intelligence in adolescence predicted later attained status above and beyond parental SES. A standard deviation increase in individual differences translated to up to 8 additional months of education, $4,233 annually, and more prestigious occupations. Furthermore, although we did find some evidence for both the resource substitution and the Matthew effect hypotheses, the most robust pattern across all models supported the independent effects hypothesis. Intelligence was the exception, the interaction models being more robust. Finally, we found that although personality traits may help compensate for background disadvantage to a small extent, they do not usually lead to a “full catch-up” effect, unlike intelligence. This was the first longitudinal study of status attainment to test interactive models of individual differences and background factors.

JPSP: 自控力強的人在人際關系中更易受傷

photo by ARTEM EDINЪ

我們總是羨慕自控力強的人,但我們也更容易依賴他們,給他們造成不必要的負擔。杜克大學的博士生Christy Zhou和她的合作者們就發(fā)現(xiàn),自控力強的人在人際關系中容易受傷。我們對自控力高的人總抱有更高的期許(實驗1&2),并進而給他們分配更多的 工作(實驗3)。諷刺的是,人們通常認為自控力弱的人比自控力強的人更努力(實驗4)。不論是在工作還是感情中,自控力強的人也通常擔著更重的責任,因此 對于人際關系更為不滿(實驗5&6)


The burden of responsibility: Interpersonal costs of high self-control.

Koval, Christy Zhou; vanDellen, Michelle R.; Fitzsimons, Gráinne M.; Ranby, Krista W.


The psychological literature on self-control has illustrated the many benefits experienced by people with high self-control, who are more successful both personally and interpersonally. In the current research, we explore the possibility that having high self-control also may have some interpersonal costs, leading individuals to become burdened by others’ reliance. In Studies 1 and 2, we examined the effects of actors’ self-control on observers’ performance expectations and found that observers had higher performance expectations for actors with high (vs. low) self-control. In Study 3, we tested the effect of actors’ self-control on work assigned to actors and found that observers assigned greater workloads to actors with high (vs. low) self-control. In Study 4, we examined how actors and observers differed in their assessments of the effort expended by high and low self-control actors and found that observers (but not actors) reported that high self-control actors expended less effort than low self-control actors. Finally, we found that people high (vs. low) in self-control reported greater burden from the reliance of coworkers (Study 5) and romantic partners (Study 6), and this tendency led them to feel less satisfied with their relationships (Study 6). Together, results from these studies provide novel evidence that individuals’ self-control affects others’ attitudes and behaviors toward them, and suggest that these interpersonal dynamics can have negative consequences for high self-control individuals.


photo by Scott Grissom

從青少年(adolescence)進入成年(adulthood)的過程中,我們的心理和個性會隨環(huán)境的改變發(fā)生一系列變化。出國交換的經歷 會導致哪些特別的變化呢?德國的學者們對高中生進行了研究,一部分學生留在原來的高中,另一部分出國交換一年。他們分別在交換開始前、結束后、交換結束一 年后收集數(shù)據(jù),并在交換中的每個月記錄當下的自尊心強弱。結果發(fā)現(xiàn),有交換經驗的學生自尊心(self-esteem)提高幅度更大,特別是對于出發(fā)前自 尊心較弱的學生。自尊的提升和社會融入感相輔相成。克服交換生活的困難和語言能力的提高可以同時提高融入感和自尊心。



Wherever I may roam: Processes of self-esteem development from adolescence to emerging adulthood in the context of international student exchange.

By Hutteman, Roos; Nestler, Steffen; Wagner, Jenny; Egloff, Boris; Back, Mitja D.


Previous studies on self-esteem development show substantial changes as well as interindividual differences in change from adolescence to young adulthood. However, the processes underlying these developmental trajectories are still not well understood. The aim of the present study was to shed light on the macro- and microprocesses of self-esteem development. We investigated a sample of 876 German high school students (M = 16.0 years at Time 1) participating in an international exchange year. Exchange students provided 3 waves of trait self-esteem data (shortly before they departed, immediately after return, and 1 year later), as well as 9 monthly state measures of self-esteem and social inclusion during their stay abroad. In addition, a control group of high school students who stayed in Germany (N = 714) provided 2 waves of trait self-esteem data. From a macroperspective, results showed an effect of student exchange on trait self-esteem development: Exchange students showed a steeper mean-level increase and a lower rank-order stability compared with control students. Zooming in on the microprocesses underlying these developmental patterns, we found trait changes in exchange students to be mediated by state changes in self-esteem during their exchange. These fluctuations in state self-esteem were found to be predicted by feelings of social inclusion in the host country, and vice versa, providing support for both sociometer and self-broadcasting perspectives on self-esteem dynamics. In sum, our findings emphasize the importance of incorporating a microanalytical approach when investigating self-esteem development by showing that the environment triggers changes in this relatively stable personality trait through changes in states.

JPSP: 講話比寫字更容易被聘用 

photo by Michal Szydlowski

同樣的內容,寫出來還是說出來會給別人留下不同的印象嗎?芝加哥大學的Julianna Schroeder和Nicholas Epley發(fā)現(xiàn),與寫字相比,講話會讓別人覺得自己更聰明,并更容易被聘用。他們讓芝大商學院的學生寫求職信,然后在鏡頭前念出來,并讓其他學生,以及 39位世界500強公司的招聘者評價這些求職信(transcript),或是求職錄音(audio)。結果發(fā)現(xiàn),與寫信相比,以聲音為媒介會讓求職者看 起來更聰明,給評價者留下更好地印象,并更容易被雇傭。更重要的是,錄音和視頻并無差別,說明在這個特定情境下,聲音包含的信息可能遠比肢體語言豐富。



The Sound of Intellect: Speech Reveals a Thoughtful Mind, Increasing a Job Candidate’s Appeal

Juliana Schroeder , Nicholas Epley


A person’s mental capacities, such as intellect, cannot be observed directly and so are instead inferred from indirect cues. We predicted that a person’s intellect would be conveyed most strongly through a cue closely tied to actual thinking: his or her voice. Hypothetical employers (Experiments 1-3b) and professional recruiters (Experiment 4) watched, listened, or read job candidates’ pitches about why they should be hired. Evaluators rated the candidates as more competent, thoughtful, and intelligent when they heard the pitch than when they read it and, as a result, liked the candidate more and were more interested in hiring the candidate. Adding voice to written pitches, by having trained actors (Experiment 3a) or untrained adults (Experiment 3b) read them, replicated these results. Adding visual cues through video did not influence evaluations beyond the candidate's voice. When conveying one’s intellect, it is important for one's voice, quite literally, to be heard.

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