


 未來決定現(xiàn)在 2016-08-03



Put on shoes

You put your shoes on wrong/You’ve got your shoes on the wrong way.


You’ve got your right shoe on your left foot, and the left shoe on the right foot.


Those shoes are on wrong.


These shoes don’t match/don’t go together. 這兩只鞋子不是一雙。

Are those shoes pinching your toes?


Do you know how to tie your shoelaces yet?



Giving reassurance

Nothing serious, don’t worry, be a man! 沒什么要緊的,不要擔(dān)心,像個(gè)男子漢!

There’s no need to worry.


It happens to everyone when he is a baby! 每個(gè)小寶寶都會(huì)發(fā)生這樣的狀況的。

You almost fall down, but not really!


Give me your hand!


Easy does it/Have it easy/Take your time/Be patient/Relax/Take it easy.


It’s all over now. 都過去了。

It’s okay. 好了。

You’re fine. 你很好。

Everything is fine. 一切都很好。

Mommy and Daddy won’t let anything bad happen to you.


There’s nothing wrong with crying.


You can talk to me about anything.


Mummy knows best. 媽媽最知道了!

Mommy’s right here. 媽媽就在這兒。

日常英語場景·打掃房間 Helping around the house

Have you done your chores yet?


Time to clean up. 清潔時(shí)間到了。

Don’t track mud all over the house.


What a mess you’ve made! 你弄得一團(tuán)糟!

Look at the mess you’ve made!


Look at this mess! 看這兒亂的!

Pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket.


Can you do me a favor please?Please give me a hand, baby!


You make everywhere such a mess!


Clean it up right now.


Let’s tidy up!


日常英語場景·表揚(yáng) Praise

That’s a good/great idea. 那真是個(gè)好主意。

Super/Perfect/Marvelous! 棒極了!

You are smart/clever! 你真聰明!

You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!

You’re the best. 你是最好的。

You’re tops! 你是最棒的!

Top girl/boy! 棒女孩/男孩!

What a champ! 勝利了!

Great!/Good!/OK! 好!

Very nice! 非常好!

Wonderful! 太棒了!

You are the winner! 你是勝利者!

You are the first! 你是第一名!

Nice girl/boy. 好女孩/男孩。

You are so sweet. 你真可愛。


Greeting for the morning

Good morning! 早上好!

Did you sleep well?你睡得好嗎?

Did you have a bad night?晚上過得不好嗎?

How was your sleep last night?昨晚睡得好嗎?

日常英語場景·生日 Birthday

Today is your special day. 今天是你特別的日子。

Today we’re celebrating the day you were born. 今天我們慶祝你的誕生日。

This is your day. 這是你的一天。

Today is a very special day. Can you guess what it is? 今天是很特別的一天。你能猜猜是什么日子嗎?

Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快樂!

日常英語場景·看病 See a doctor

Check it out. 檢查完善。

You need to get a shot. 你需要打一針。

Is he allergic to any medication?他對(duì)藥物過敏嗎?

Does he have any allergies? 他對(duì)什么過敏嗎?

It won’t hurt very bad. 那不會(huì)很疼的。

Come on, be brave/be a brave boy/girl. 來吧,做個(gè)勇敢的男孩/女孩。

You get a sticker. 你得到一張貼紙了。

You were so good/great! 你很好!

You were so brave! 你真勇敢!

You need to stay home today. 你今天需要待在家里。

You need to rest. 你需要休息。

You need to stay in bed. I’m sorry it’s boring. 你需要待在床上。我很抱歉那很枯燥乏味。

It will heal soon. 很快就會(huì)痊愈的。

日常英語場景·節(jié)日祝福 Holiday phrases

Happy New Year! 新年快樂!

Merry Christmas! 圣誕快樂!

I wish you a Merry Christmas! 我祝你圣誕快樂!

I wish you a Happy New Year! 我祝你新年快樂!

Happy Valentine’s Day! 情人節(jié)快樂!

Happy Halloween! 萬圣節(jié)快樂!

Happy Thanksgiving!感恩節(jié)快樂!

Have a good holiday season!假日快樂!

日常英語場景·使用餐具 Use the tableware

You know how to use the chopsticks. Great! 你會(huì)用筷子了,真棒!

Don’t poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴。

Don’t play with the chopsticks. 不要玩筷子。

Don’t bite the chopsticks. 不要咬筷子。

Your little sister doesn’t know how to use the chopsticks; she can only use a spoon.


Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the other hand.


So the bowl won’t move around and it’s easier to scoop up the rice with your spoon.


Don’t scoop up too much with your spoon. 每次用勺子舀得少一點(diǎn),別舀那么多。

This knife cuts well, doesn’t it?


日常英語場景·催促 To urge

It’s almost time to get up. 該起床了。

Time’s up/Hurry up/Be quick! 快點(diǎn)兒!

Time flies, let’s have a race with time!


It’s almost time to get up/go to bed.


日常英語場景·作息時(shí)間 Rest schedules

When do you get up every day?


When do you have breakfast each morning?


When do you go to school every morning?你幾點(diǎn)鐘上學(xué)?

When do you have lunch every day?


When do you have your nap each noon?


When do you go home every day?


When do you have your supper every evening?


When do you usually go to bed?


日常英語場景·入睡 Bed-time

Let’s go to sleep/bed. 讓我們?nèi)ニX。

It’s time to go sleepy?鄄bye. 睡覺時(shí)間到了。

It’s time to go to bed./Time for bed. 該上床了。

You need to go to bed, period. 你需要上床了,睡覺時(shí)間到了。

No more discussion, you’re going to bed now. 不要再討論了,現(xiàn)在你需要上床了。

You know that when I say it’s bedtime, I’m not going to change my mind.


No more of your stories. You need to go to bed now.


Nightie-night, sleep tight.


Sweet dreams. 做個(gè)好夢。

The land of dreams awaits you.


Maybe the Tooth Fairy will come tonight.


日常英語場景·整理文具 Make the stationery

Uh-oh, you dropped the crayons all over the floor. 喔哦,你把蠟筆掉得地板上到處都是。

Don’t leave crayons on the floor where people will step on them. 不要把蠟筆留在地板上,要不然會(huì)被人踩到。

Please put the caps back on the pens/ma

rkers when you’re done with them. 用玩鋼筆/記號(hào)筆后,請把筆帽蓋好。

Don’t waste paper. 不要浪費(fèi)紙。

You’ve been tearing pages out of that book, haven’t you?Now what did I tell you about that?你有沒有把那本書上的書頁撕下來?現(xiàn)在我告訴你什么了?

Why did you tear up that paper?Now you have to pick up all the pieces off the floor. 你為什么撕那張紙?現(xiàn)在你必須把地板上所有的碎紙屑撿起來。

You tore off that picture again, didn’t you?你又把那幅圖撕掉了,是不是?

Don’t mark on your clothes with the magic markers. 不要用記號(hào)筆在你衣服上畫記號(hào)。

日常英語場景·聚會(huì) Party

When does the birthday party take place? 生日聚會(huì)什么時(shí)候舉行?

The party starts at 9 o’clock. 聚會(huì)9點(diǎn)鐘開始。

When will the party be over? 聚會(huì)什么時(shí)候結(jié)束?

Let’s picnic in that field over there! 我們就在那塊空地上野餐吧!

Did you enjoy Lily’s birthday party?你在莉莉的生日聚會(huì)上玩得開心嗎?

日常英語場景·天氣 Weather

What’s the weather like today? 今天天氣怎么樣?

Do you like rain? 你喜歡下雨嗎?

It’s a sunny/cloudy/rainy day!


It’s rainy,let’s go home.


It’s raining. 下雨了。

It’s cold/hot/warm. 天氣冷/熱/暖和。

It’s fine today. 今天天氣不錯(cuò)。

It’s getting cold/warm tomorrow.


Beautiful day, isn’t it? 天氣很好,是不是?

The wind blows hard. 風(fēng)很大。

日常英語場景·道歉 Apologize

Are you going to apologize?你打算道歉嗎?

You don’t sound very sorry. 你聽起來不像很難過。

I’m sorry. 很遺憾。

I apologize. 我很抱歉。

Excuse me. 對(duì)不起。

日常英語場景·季節(jié) Season

The three months in the spring are March, April and May. 春季的三個(gè)月為三月、四月和五月。

We have warm weather and fine days in the spring. 在春天,天氣溫暖、晴朗。

The spring is coming, and the weather is very changeable. 春天快要到了,天氣變化得很快。

The weather is very hot and it often rains in summer. 夏天天氣非常熱,而且老是下雨。

People can go swimming and sightseeing in summer. 在夏天人們能游泳、觀光。

It is time for all things to grow up during the summer. 夏季也是萬物生長的好時(shí)候。

The weather becomes cooler and cooler during the autumn. 秋天天氣越來越?jīng)觥?/p>

Leaves begin to fall to the ground when autumn comes.


Autumn is the harvest time for farmers.


The weather is very cold in winter.


Most of the plants die during the winter.


Sometimes it snows in cold days.


People can enjoy skating and skiing.


日常英語場景·洗澡準(zhǔn)備 Prepare for bath

If you never take a bath, other children won’t want to play with you. 如果你總不洗澡,其他孩子就不肯和你一起玩了。

You got mud all over. Go take a bath.


Let’s take a bath now.


We will get water ready first.


Let mummy test/check the water, hot or cold. The water is just OK/ It feels just right!


It’s bath time. Let’s undress first. 洗澡時(shí)間到了。先脫衣服。

Let’s make you nice and clean. I’ll help you. Now take your clothes off.


The bath is ready.


Mommy’s scrubbing the bathtub.


Go get your bathrobe in the closet/wardrobe.


Let’s prepare all the stuffs we will need for the bath: washcloth, towels, bathtub, clean clothes.


Let’s have a shower. Take off your clothes yourself, and don’t forget put on your little slippers.我們要沖淋浴了。自己脫衣服,不要忘記換上拖鞋。


Answer the baby’s question

You’ve got me there. It beats me. 我想不出來,你考倒我了!

That’s the point! 那是關(guān)鍵!

日常英語場景·照顧小嬰兒 Take care of an infant

Does baby need to be burped? 寶寶需要打個(gè)嗝嗎?

Wave bye-bye to the nice man.


Who is minding the baby?


Will you watch over the baby while I’m out? 我外出時(shí)你照料這個(gè)嬰兒好嗎?

The baby looks happy and healthy. 這個(gè)嬰兒看上去快樂、健康。

Can you look after my baby?


The baby is not yet taking solid foods.


Mommy gives the breast to her baby.


The baby was sucking milk from its mother.嬰兒在吮吸母親的奶汁。

The baby was sucking its bottle.


It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after being fed.


You should not leave the baby to suck milk from the bottle by himself.你不能讓嬰兒在無人看管的情況下一個(gè)人從奶瓶中吸奶。

I just nursed him and changed his diaper, and he’s crying again!


Why does the baby keep burping?


Baby had no sooner finished his feed than it all camp up.


日常英語場景·農(nóng)場里的動(dòng)物 Animals on the farm

Ox is powerful. It helps farmer working in the field. 牛很強(qiáng)壯。它幫助農(nóng)民耕地。

Ox/Cow/Goat/Sheep lives on grass. 牛/奶牛/山羊/綿羊吃草。

Cows give us milk.


Cows are black and white.


Hens give us eggs. They like eating grains and worms.


We can ride horses. 我們可以騎馬。

Horses can run fast, and it can climb up the mountains. 馬跑得很快,還可以爬上山。

Horses/dogs are honest and clever.


Dogs are out gatekeepers.


Pollywogs are frog’s babies.


Frog hops on the leaves of lotus. 青蛙蹲在荷葉上。

Frogs like eating harmful insects. They protect our crops.


Rabbit hops on the grass. Rabbit likes eating carrots and greens.


Rabbit has two red eyes and long ears.


Rabbit lives in holes, and its holes have many exits. 兔子住在洞里,它的洞有很多出口。

Pig is very fat and lazy. 豬很肥,而且懶惰。

At night,the bats leave their cave. 天黑時(shí),蝙蝠離開它們的洞穴。


Playing with other children

Let’s all just get along. 讓我們友好相處。

Now, isn’t it more fun to play together?


I’m going to tell.


Don’t be a tattletale. 不要做告狀派。

Don’t hurt people’s feelings.


That’s not playing fair!


You cheated! 你作弊。

You have to learn to stand up for yourself.


日常英語場景·催促起床 Urge on getting up

Wake up! 起床。

Time to get up. 該起床了。

Wake up, sleepyhead. 起床,小懶鬼。

Time to get going. 出發(fā)的時(shí)間到了。

We need to get moving. 我們要趕快行動(dòng)。

It’s already late. 已經(jīng)遲啦。

Are you still lazing around?你還賴床?。?/p>

Rise and shine! 快起床吧!

It’s time to get dressed. 該穿衣服啦。

日常英語場景·提醒注意 Call attention

Mind your way. 走路當(dāng)心。

Watch out/Be careful! 小心!

Look after yourself. 照顧好你自己。

Heads up! 當(dāng)心!

Be quiet!保持安靜!

Be serious!嚴(yán)肅點(diǎn)!

Be patient!耐心點(diǎn)!

Keep calm!安靜!/保持鎮(zhèn)靜!


Traditional Chinese Festivals

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red packet.


The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. This day’s important activities are watching lanterns,guessing lantern riddles and eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings.


The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness. This is the most important day of sacrifice.


Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival. Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuan’s body. Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival.


The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. Do you know the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid?


The MidAutumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. The moon looks extremely round, big and bright. People will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.


The Double Ninth Festival is also called 'Height Ascending Festival'.


The Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors’ Day.


After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer.



Now put on your sweater/coat. 現(xiàn)在穿上你的羊毛衫/外套。

Put your clothes on./Get dressed. 穿上衣服。

First put your arm through the sleeve,now put your head through. 先把你的胳膊伸進(jìn)袖子,現(xiàn)在把你的腦袋鉆出來。

Your sweater is on backwards. 你的羊毛衫穿反了。

You have your sweater on backwards. 你把羊毛衫穿反了。

Your sweater is inside?鄄out/You have your sweater on inside?鄄out. 你把羊毛衫里朝外穿了。

Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one.


Your right arm goes in the right sleeve.


Now put your other arm in the other sleeve. 現(xiàn)在把你的另一個(gè)胳膊放到另一只袖子里。

Your little finger is stuck in the sleeve; let me get it out.


Take your clothes off./Take off your clothes. 脫衣服。


crackers 餅干 cookies 甜點(diǎn) sweets candy 糖果

popsicle 冰棍 lollipop sucker 棒棒糖 grapefruit柚子

squash 南瓜 conjee粥/稀飯 porridge粥

nipple 奶嘴 bib 圍嘴

booster seat 兒童餐椅(綁在一般椅子上面的)

umbrella stroller 傘車

rattle搖鈴baby toy that makes noise when shaken

stacking rings彩虹圈 toy, a set of rings, each smaller than the last, that stack in order on a pole.

floor puzzle 拼插地板

a toy dinosaur 玩具恐龍

a toy dump truck 玩具翻斗車/自動(dòng)卸貨車

fridge magnets 冰箱磁鐵

cotchie-cotchie-coo Common nonsense phrase people say as they tickle a baby

Peekaboo! 悶兒悶兒(藏貓貓時(shí)候嘴里說的)

hide and seek, hide and go seek

Pick me up!

Carry me!

He wants/needs to be held.

Do you want Mommy to pick you up?

Up you go! Said when picking a child out of the crib.

hold baby. Let me hold you. Give me a hug.

Let met button up your shirt.

Unbutton your shirt.

Zip up your jacket; it’s cold out.

Unzip your jacket.

First put your arm through the sleeve. Your right arm goes in the right sleeve. Now put your other arm in the other sleeve.

Your little finger is stuck in the sleeve; let me get it out.

Now put your head through.

Stretch your legs. Don’t bend over.

Straighten out your legs. Put your legs straight out.

Lift up your leg.

Put your foot through here / through this opening.

Sit still. Stand still.


Stop squirming.


Wash up, it’s time to eat.

Come sit at the table.

Come sit on my lap. Come snuggle up to me.

Don’t touch.

It’s bad for you.

Don’t climb on this table; it can’t hold you/ it could tip over.

Don’t touch the electrical outlets.

Don’t chew on the cord.


It's not food. Don't put it into your mouth.


Come back. Don't get out the mat


You do as I say.

Throw me the ball.

Roll the ball. Roll the ball to me.


Roll that toy car cover here.

tear up

You are wet, aren't you? Did you wet your diaper?

I'll change your diaper. Mom’s going to change you. You need to be changed.

wet one's bed 尿床

pee or poo/poop? 尿尿還是拉屎?

Do you need to go potty? 要上廁所嗎?

I have to go pee. / I need to pee. / I want to pee.

I have to go poop. / I need to poop.

he needs to pee

wipe your bottom/butt clean


snot 鼻涕 yuchy stuff coming out of nose

to pass gas 放屁

tissue paper 紙巾 toilet paper 手紙

towel毛巾 tub 澡盆 bathmat 防滑墊,洗澡腳墊 washcloth 洗臉巾

Good job. Great job. Nice job.

That’s a boy

Way to go!

You did great. You were great.

What a neat outfit! = you’re dressed nicely

You’re the best.

How did your day go?

Why are you crying?

Is something bothering you?

Don’t worry. Mommy is right here.


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