


 huangailan 2016-08-25

【巴夏】放手 <wbr>LETTING <wbr>GO

The idea, of course, is that we have from many different points of view talked about, and you have heard from many different points of view, the idea of LETTING GO, LETTING IT ALL GO!

What some of you may call surrendering, many of you have different ways of interpreting this concept but you must understand, as we have said many times, things are always this and that not just this or that. And so, even in the mist of an act of surrender, there is not really the giving up of who you are but the true acceptance, the true claiming of who and what you are and this is the key.

But let us talk about this in the terms in which it occurs in your physical reality and which it has occurred in the Infinite an event that we have now referred to regarding the apprentice and other people.

Many times you will find yourself pushing and pushing, struggling and struggling, trying and trying, focusing and focusing and working very hard and very diligently with all the ideas we have discussed about altering your beliefs, getting in touch with your definitions and so forth in order to manifest the
reality of your preference.

This is all well and good but we want you to understand something very important, perhaps, this might even be the most important, the most crucial idea you can allow yourself to grasp, and that is:

that all of these concepts are all fine for the purpose of getting in touch with different aspects of your personality, for allowing yourself to be clear and gain more consciousness with regard to your beliefs, your personality structure, your consciousness in a physical sense. None of this, in that sense, is wasted time.

But now you have arrived, really, at a place and at a time and at a timing in your collective consciousness when, in some senses paradoxically enough, you can forget all about all that. And when I say forget all about all of that, in some senses, I mean that quite literally. It is time for you to forget about a lot of things, to give them up, to let them go, to just stop.

And, in the way we are now talking about, when you do this you will find automatically in this act which we will describe that you will achieve what your Buddhists have called the idea of the cessation of thinking.

You will find that your actions and your beingness become aligned automatically and you will not have to do anything really to have that happen.

The idea of surrender and letting go, allows miracles to happen because of the following thing-each and everyone of you, no matter how it is said, put you own interpreted spin on it if you wish, it doesn't matter but you understand the essence each and everyone of you is made in the image of the Creator and that is why letting go works.

When you just let go and forget about them, and let it be alright to forget about them, you will realize and truly experience in the realization that you*are* made in the image of the Infinite and what that means is: you are yourself the essence of limitless possibilities.

YOU ARE all possible things, all possible events, all possible experiences. That is what you are, not what you have, not what you have happened to you, it is what you are because All that Is, is all possible things, all possible events, all possible experiences, all possible ideas, all possible miracles.

IT IS unlimited in that way, it is unconditional in that way. So when you let go of what you think you are supposed to do and when you stop attempting to manipulate your personality and just forget about it and just be who you are then you will understand that who you are is unlimited
possibility and when you allow yourself to simply be unlimited possibilities the universe will reflect those unlimited possibilities back to you.

That is why letting go works because when you let go you are the true essence of how you were created in the image of the Infinite. And your reflection in physical reality, thus then, will be as unlimited, as miraculous, as synchronistic, as immediate, as spontaneous. All you have to do is forget about trying.

All you have to do is give up, in a sense, and just relax, just be and feel who you are and know who you are is unlimited possibility.

Let the universe show you, let the universe, the Infinite, the Creator love you.
Let it show you who you were created to be by

stopping trying to be who you think you ought to be, just stop, just surrender.

You are not losing control, you are becoming what you are, you are claiming your heritage, you are claiming your birth right, you are claiming your essence, your nature by surrendering.

That is what thesurrender is: is a statement of total self acceptance, *total self*

Knowing that the self you are accepting, the total self you are accepting is unlimited possibility. And then you will allow, allow the gift of the unconditional love of the Creator to be given to you and that
gift is to show you, to show you through your life in all of its manifestations the unlimited possibilities, the miracle that you are. Let it happen, stop trying, give up, let go, surrender, stop and when you do that you will find that you stop thinking so much.

You will find yourself looking at things and all of a sudden realize that that's all you are actually doing. You're just looking at things. You are not looking at them and, as you say, zoning out and thinking of something, you will be thinking of nothing, you will just be looking at things and appreciating them for what they are and there will be no other thoughts.

You will find yourself at peace, a peace so profound it will be at first, perhaps, difficult to believe that you are experiencing it. It will first be difficult to believe that you are not having random thoughts.
It will at first perhaps be difficult to believe that you are not just looking at something to trance out so that you can think about things.

You will not be running things around in your mind, your mind will finally be quiet, because you will be aligned with who you are and the thoughts you need to have will be the only thoughts you have.

And your actions, your thoughts, in what you call your Taoist and Buddhist terminology, will be right action, right thought, right will, which means that they will be synonymous with your being and when your actions and your thoughts are synonymous with your beingness it doesn't feel like your doing anything. But you will act, you will do things but it wont feel like anything, it will feel like you are just being in life, enjoying life and receiving the love, the unconditional love, the gift of the miracle of All THAT IS.

You will allow yourself to be the miracle that then can be reflected back to you by All that Is.
For it is always being handed to you.

It is ONLY YOU who have refused to accept it by refusing to accept yourselves because you have been taught not accept yourself. Accepting yourself is just letting go. It is not a difficult process, it is just stopping trying so hard to figure things out, stopping trying to think your way through everything.
It is going into a place that is peaceful to you, be it in a meadow, be it in your own home, be it on your porch, be it while you are driving, be it in the ocean, be it in the air it doesn't matter it is being in that place and letting that place simply release you, where you have no cares, no worries, no thoughts for the morrow, as you say, no things to work out-NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!

You let it all go, you let it ALL go!

YOU LET IT ALL GO! The EXPLOSION of miracles that will result may stagger and astonish you at first but I guarantee you they will happen because that will be the reflection of who you finally allow your self to be.

Just give up, just let it go, let it be alright.
Ashitaka777 http://blog.sina.com.cn/ashitaka777 2016-08-23 04:03:11








Bashar could you give me an example of piloting from one system to another system?

Bashar: Yes!
There is the creation of the isolation field ‘round and about the craft which isolates that field from any one particular universe, thus, opening up its navigational banks to all probable universes which are represented by their signature frequency vibrations. The pilot, being intuitive and simply tapping into the internal imagination dimension, picks the frequency that is desired by the pilot, and thus, this is imparted to the navigational spectrum of the ship, which then simply imbues the entire ship with that vibrational frequency. And thus, when the isolation field is removed, the ship by definition must take up residence within the universe that represents the vibrational frequency. "Recognize that we simply understand that an object does not exist within time and space, but that space/time are properties of the object, and can be changed."






How many Galaxies are there?


How many intelligently populated planets are there in the Milky Way?

Bashar: Approximately 60 and 70 MILLION.

Ashitaka777 http://blog.sina.com.cn/ashitaka777 2016-08-23 03:16:50本文地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_d4a0f6240102wsxu.html

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