

8所常青藤盟校 斯坦福全都錄取她,這個(gè)女孩到底牛在哪?她的申請(qǐng)文書快收藏!

 jessiewuyi 2017-04-15

優(yōu)質(zhì)初中 / 特色高中 / 國(guó)際學(xué)校

去哈佛還是去耶魯?這樣的“煩惱”,沒幾個(gè)孩子有機(jī)會(huì)面對(duì)。然而這幾天,17歲的華裔女孩蕭靖彤(Cassandra Hsiao)卻面臨著遠(yuǎn)為艱難的抉擇:

  • 哈佛大學(xué)、耶魯大學(xué)、普林斯頓大學(xué)、哥倫比亞大學(xué)、賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)、布朗大學(xué)、康奈爾大學(xué)、達(dá)特茅斯學(xué)院共8所美國(guó)常青藤盟校,全部向她拋出橄欖枝!

  • 斯坦福大學(xué)、阿默斯特學(xué)院、約翰·霍普金斯大學(xué)、西北大學(xué)、加州伯克利大學(xué)、南加州大學(xué)和紐約大學(xué),一起向她發(fā)出入學(xué)邀請(qǐng)!





蕭靖彤小學(xué)畢業(yè)后曾在家自學(xué)兩年,后進(jìn)入南加州的橙縣藝術(shù)學(xué)校(Orange County School of the Arts)就讀創(chuàng)意寫作方向。這是一所公立特許學(xué)校,現(xiàn)有7至12年級(jí)共2000余名在讀學(xué)生,以培養(yǎng)準(zhǔn)備在藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域深造或走藝術(shù)職業(yè)路線的孩子為目標(biāo)。








六年來,這位“未成年老記者”采訪了包括“美國(guó)隊(duì)長(zhǎng)”扮演者克里斯·埃文斯等在內(nèi)的百余位明星并發(fā)表報(bào)道,2016年還獲得了擁有40余年歷史的女性傳媒行業(yè)獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)——格雷斯獎(jiǎng)(Gracie Awards)的表彰。

以專業(yè)媒體人自許,蕭靖彤非常懂得“營(yíng)銷”自己。除了在Star Rapture Blog上展示采訪成果外,她的Facebook、Youtube、Instagram、Pinterest等社交媒體主頁都設(shè)為公開狀態(tài),更不忘在職業(yè)社交網(wǎng)站LinkedIn建立人脈。






“學(xué)英語”是所有非英語母語者都會(huì)遇到的問題,蕭靖彤的Common App主文書以此入題卻不落俗套:前半篇,從自己的發(fā)音遭同學(xué)嘲笑、在創(chuàng)意寫作課程上落筆維艱,帶出母親當(dāng)年類似的境遇,“母女齊哭”一幕令人揪心;下半節(jié),談自己不易的奮起,從在3000人面前朗誦詩歌,到采訪各路人馬、創(chuàng)作舞臺(tái)劇,“為無家可歸者、流離失所者與被忽視與遺忘之人發(fā)聲”,寥寥數(shù)筆不僅在自然中盡道自己的奮斗成果,亦展現(xiàn)社會(huì)責(zé)任感。通觀全篇,她用純熟的敘事技巧,學(xué)習(xí)英語和母女互動(dòng)雙線交叉,波瀾起伏中始終緊扣“have a background, identity ... so meaningful”的題眼,打動(dòng)招生官實(shí)屬意料之內(nèi)。



Common App Essay

By Cassandra Hsiao

In our house, English is not English. Not in the phonetic sense, like short a is for apple, but rather in the pronunciation – in our house, snake is snack. Words do not roll off our tongues correctly – yet I, who was pulled out of class to meet with language specialists, and my mother from Malaysia, who pronounces film as flim, understand each other perfectly.

In our house, there is no difference between cast and cash, which was why at a church retreat, people made fun of me for “cashing out demons.” I did not realize the glaring difference between the two Englishes until my teacher corrected my pronunciations of hammock, ladle, and siphon. Classmates laughed because I pronounce accept as except, success as sussess. I was in the Creative Writing conservatory, and yet words failed me when I needed them most.

Suddenly, understanding flower is flour wasn’t enough. I rejected the English that had never seemed broken before, a language that had raised me and taught me everything I knew. Everybody else’s parents spoke with accents smarting of Ph.D.s and university teaching positions. So why couldn’t mine?

My mother spread her sunbaked hands and said, “This is where I came from,” spinning a tale with the English she had taught herself.

When my mother moved from her village to a town in Malaysia, she had to learn a brand new language in middle school: English. In a time when humiliation was encouraged, my mother was defenseless against the cruel words spewing from the teacher, who criticized her paper in front of the class. When she began to cry, the class president stood up and said, “That’s enough.”

“Be like that class president,” my mother said with tears in her eyes. The class president took her under her wing and patiently mended my mother’s strands of language. “She stood up for the weak and used her words to fight back.”

We were both crying now. My mother asked me to teach her proper English so old white ladies at Target wouldn’t laugh at her pronunciation. It has not been easy. There is a measure of guilt when I sew her letters together. Long vowels, double consonants — I am still learning myself. Sometimes I let the brokenness slide to spare her pride but perhaps I have hurt her more to spare mine.

As my mother’s vocabulary began to grow, I mended my own English. Through performing poetry in front of 3000 at my school’s Season Finale event, interviewing people from all walks of life, and writing stories for the stage, I stand against ignorance and become a voice for the homeless, the refugees, the ignored. With my words I fight against jeers pelted at an old Asian street performer on a New York subway. My mother’s eyes are reflected in underprivileged ESL children who have so many stories to tell but do not know how. I fill them with words as they take needle and thread to make a tapestry.

In our house, there is beauty in the way we speak to each other. In our house, language is not broken but rather bursting with emotion. We have built a house out of words. There are friendly snakes in the cupboard and snacks in the tank. It is a crooked house. It is a little messy. But this is where we have made our home.


A Mother's Voice

By Cassandra Hsiao

The first day my mother loses her voice, it is as if there were suddenly no more rules or regulations. No commanding voice bouncing through the halls, no lively conversations, no late-night talks. Dinner is a quiet affair.

We move slower to her whispered commands of “come downstairs,” or “don’t forget to do the laundry” or “give your brother your calculator.” We get the job done—it just takes us twenty minutes longer. It’s much easier to pretend you didn’t hear your mother after her fiftieth call to come eat when she does not have a voice.

By day two, her voice comes back in a scratchy husk. Still at ten percent volume, but with it comes an exponential increase in authority. We move quicker to her requests. Our conversations are still one-sided; my laugh seems empty without hers to buoy us on.

There are advantages to my whispering mother. At a restaurant, when we are served half-cooked chicken wings, she can only point at the red meat and let my father do the explaining. When the waiter explains that this is the texture of the chicken, that the red meat is actually a sign of well-exercised muscles, that the kitchen cooks the wings three times in three different ways, my mother can’t raise her voice and say, I am a mother. I have been cooking for almost twenty years. I know cooked when I see it. This is not cooked. Instead, she whispers something and I catch the words “picture” and “Yelp” but before she can reach for her phone and turn on the camera, the waiter has already whisked the wings back to the kitchen. My family breathes a sigh of relief.

It’s one of the things I’ve always admired about her: a complete boldness to stand up for what’s right, whether it’s demanding properly cooked food or championing a charity or telling us again and again, “All is well. You can do all things through Christ. You are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved. Follow your passion and chase your dreams. You are more than enough.” Even without a voice she conveys that to us in the way she prepares food, prays for us, and tucks us in at night.

I come home that Saturday after a defeat at a competition. As the story pours out, she listens with open eyes and nods. As disappointment steals over me, I begin to cry. Without a word she leans over and rubs my back, and with that, I know all is well again.




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