


 星夜白科 2017-12-10




有趣 有觀點 有溫度



Last week,we have a discussion with fruit tools which could help people get flesh. Sincerely, I am accustomed to some of them and I usually take aparing knifeto peel and also slice. It is true that the invention of the tool is to work better for human beings.On the contrary, tools may bring lazy and inflexible in some degree.


paring knife 水果刀

on the contrary 相反的是

inflexible [?n?fl?ks?b?l]

adj. 僵硬的,不可彎曲的; 不屈服的; 不能轉(zhuǎn)變的; 堅定不移的

When it comes to food and cook, tools do more advantages than harms. Goodkitchenwareis the right hand for you to make a big meal no matter western or Chinese food.


kitchenware [?k?t??nwer]

n.廚房用具; 炊具; 飲具;

1.Cutlery & kitchen knife

Cutlery& kitchen knife are important in the steps of cooking. We use them to cut, peel and make special styling. There are different sizes of kitchen knives for different functions. Some kind of knife is big enough to deal with thechop, such ascleaverand chef knife, while some are small and flexible to peel apples. I have searched the picture of chef knife in the Internet and it is a little longer to handle than our main kitchen knife.


Cutlery [?k?tl?ri] n.刀具,刀叉;

chop [t?ɑ:p]

v.切碎,砍; 向下猛擊; 降低; 終止;

n.排骨; 砍,剁; 掌劈; 嘴周圍的地方;

cleaver [?kliv?] n.砍肉刀,剁肉刀;

steak knife [stek na?f] 吃牛排用的餐刀;

chef knife 源于法國的一種切牛排的

steak knife 牛排刀,在餐具上也會用到的一種,細(xì)長,應(yīng)該是切熟肉

butter knife黃油刀;搜索引擎總是顯示說這是一種代碼名稱,這個含義可能比黃油刀更出名

bird beak knife 特點是尖部用來扎

雕花蘿卜 Chinese Red Radish to make a rose

2.Some kind of grater

Thesegratersare used to makejuliennevegetables or fruits. We can make them to deal with potatoes, radish, or lemonade. If you meet these utensils in the shopping mall and I think it would be easy to image instead of pale words.


grater [?ɡret?]


julienne ['d?u:'l?en]

adj.(蔬菜等) 切成條的,切成絲的

pale [pel]

adj.蒼白的; 無力的; 暗淡的; 淺色的;

vi.變得蒼白; 失色; 變得暗淡;

vt.用柵欄圍; 使失色; 使變蒼白;

In fact, there are many kind of graters in China and we could get different shapes of slice and strips. The simplest thing is peeler with one blade. Mandolin (the same as Mandoline) is the combination of several blades which are arranged in regular order. The following pictures show its appearance. The spiral peeler is suitable for creating stir fry pasta dishes. It creates different-sized julienne vegetable strips. And it is easily cleaned under running water or in the dishwasher. The method of using rotary grater is simply inserting food into the hopper and turning handle to grate or shred.


Kind of mandolin

3. salad spinner蔬菜甩水器

Before you enjoy your salad, you may notice there is not water drops on the surface of vegetables. Some people may doubt that whether the vegetables were washed. This spinner is used to make the drops of water out after cleaning the vegetables.


Salad is popular if someone wants to diet or have something quickly.The main materials of salad include broccoli, carrort, tomato, iceberg lettuce, leaf lettuce… and various dressing. Most people love broccoli and some yong people create a song to show their crazy. In the early 2017,broccoli become short in the Europe and people used interesting sentences and pictures to show their worries.


If you do not have enough time to wash, cut, chop vegetables, there are some quick- semi-manufactures to help you. Those materials could help you make your dishes beautiful and delicious.



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