


 外語(yǔ)行天下 2019-07-04

低品質(zhì)奮斗者         Low Quality Fighter



Staying low in the society, we know working hard is the only way to climb high.


大部分人都知道為了什么要努力工作,不是為了未來(lái),就是為了家庭, 當(dāng)然還有極少的人還是不知道為什么要努力工作。

Most know why they work hard, either for their futures, or for their families, certainly few people don't know why they work hard yet.



Whether or not you know why you work hard doesn't directly affect the result as such, what really matter is the systematical plan.



We can hardly achieve the goals we set up, neither because we don't work hard, nor mostly because there are other objective reasons.



It's because we don't systematically lay out our plans, or because we don't adjust our plans periodically.



When we don't have any detailed plans, it's easy for us to get lost or make ourselves suspicious.



Those who have goals without detailed plans are called low-quality strugglers.



None of successes is easily achieved without a detailed plan.



堅(jiān)持   Persistence




How would you know what success is if you don't stick to the end? Sometimes the success is just close to you or sneaks away under your eyes.





If the success is rather easy to be achieved, any effort is in vain or wasteful; How many efforts a success requires greatly depends upon how the success is defined, which directly decides how long you should persist.





If you define walking ten kilometers as a success, then the success is that you finish walking ten kilometers, less than which any distance is not called a success.





Before finishing that much walking or after finishing most of walking, maybe you feel too exhausted to insist on walking, in the meantime, all kinds of discourages and doubts start to bother you, making you would rather give up in no time than keep walking.





You feel rather regretful the moment you decide to give up what you've insisted on; The closer to the success, the more efforts it requires. The time when you feel rather exhausted is the very time that requires your more intention and energy.





When you feel tired, no doubt you really feel it, and what you can think of is to retreat from tiredness, however why not alter the way you think The passive thinking as such, dissipated on this discouragement, also costs what originally should be spent on the way towards the goal, which are efforts and energies.





When discouragement is about to become the last thing left to you, please spend some time on imagining the situation of success to recharge yourself, just like turbocharging, forcing extra power into your mind.





Seeing above, do you still think to give up when feeling tired?  Hope is not what you persist when seeing it, it's what you insist on brings hope.


能讓你成長(zhǎng)的是經(jīng)歷,不是歲月  Experience decorates you



Years of growth for everyone is identical, however, the abundant experiences during which are quite different, which really make you mature.


光陰似箭,能見(jiàn)證光陰的足跡的也只有豐富多彩的人生經(jīng)歷了。人生可以平淡無(wú)奇,也可以絢麗多彩, 但平淡無(wú)奇的人生是空白的人生,只有絢麗多彩的人生才不枉獨(dú)一無(wú)二的誕生。

Only the ample experiences can mark the footprint of flying time. Life can be either plain or colorful, however compared with the plain life, the bright and colorful one is a unique and perfect painting for birth.



Life is not easy and requires assorted experiences, the rise and fall of which is normal for a persevering heart, and the following road will be more spacious. Ironically the plain life is also not easy for some people, because it also consumes themselves to kill time.



The time of growth is accumulated from the years, however, what constitute the room of growth are the ample experiences. The length of years can't be set by anyone, but by constantly experiencing can one expand the room of growth.



Being a real adult is definitely with being sophisticated instead of being ageing. It is more than the passing of years, what is more important is the accumulation of experiences. The more the accumulations are, the richer the experiences are.




只要心到了,就什么都到了         Anything is possible for a willing heart



All difficulties are produced by worry and intension hold by those who don’t have a good state of mind, without which eating may also become a big trouble.



The breach of will is to do things breaching heart, with which everything may go beyond expectation, and the process will be struggling due to the resistance from heart.



Everything will always go well as expected for a good and ready heart, because a heart is like a navigator for every physical behavior, navigating them for the whole process, furthermore, everything will become easier when a heart is in the right place, and the efficiency of them will be double improved.



If one's heart is not in a right place, he will get nervous when facing urgencies, or get worried when facing dangers, or get dodged when facing dislikes.



Being nervous for nervous situations aggravates the situations, messing them more easily; Being anxious for anxious situations aggravates the situations, magnifying the dangers of them; Being evasive for the annoying situations aggravates the situations, further complicating them.



All bad situations will be adjusted to bad ones for a free heart, instead of a heart that is full of intension or fear.




讓你平庸的是你的固步自封         Being stick-in-the-mud makes you mediocre



The remarkable achievement is not born to the new-born; however, nothing can stay with those who reject to make progress till their deaths.



It makes sense that one behaves because he knows the involved concerns, however it does not when he does not behave before knowing the truth, which is a blind image, cutting off the sources of better chances and bigger challenges.



Before becoming sophisticated, everyone should experience a lot including the courageous tries. If the denial of yourself is taken as your first option before trying, your whole life is just the copy of the born you at most.



A limited life can be made more colorful and brighter by constantly experiencing fresh things and challenging new limits, and the plain life without glowing can be caused by stopping progressing and fears.



For the universal, everyone is a unique tiny little leaf that is easy to get lost. When getting lost, everyone may look around time after time to discovery possibilities so as to dig potentials to make self strong.



Being nothing is the only status for one before his success, and he will be always at this status when stopping progressing. Each dream deserves a crazy pursuit from the dream owners no matter how far or distant it is, so pull yourself together and go for it!




當(dāng)你停下來(lái)休息時(shí),請(qǐng)記住別人還在前進(jìn)        Your stop is not others'




One should always remember that others will continue to progress when you cease your progress. Rest is not supposed to become the excuses for the bitterness and sorrow encountered by one when chasing his dream.



機(jī)遇是曇花,轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝,時(shí)間像流水,一去不復(fù)還 ,只有當(dāng)下的時(shí)間才是最真實(shí)的?;蛟S休息是為了以更好的狀態(tài)去競(jìng)逐夢(mèng)想,也是夢(mèng)想實(shí)現(xiàn)不可缺少的環(huán)節(jié),但絕不是緊要環(huán)節(jié)。我們相信一個(gè)沒(méi)有準(zhǔn)備好的人,是不會(huì)輕易去競(jìng)逐屬于自己的那片天空。


Opportunity is comparatively transient, waiting for nobody; Time is like running water, which is not recyclable, only the present time is real. Perhaps rest is to better chase a dream, and is a necessary step to achieve a dream, but definitely not a crucial step. We all believe that our futures require our tremendous effects with both a ready physical status and a ready mental condition.





Everyone needs a rest when tired, and a proper break is reasonable. If a dream is equivalent to 100 steps of walk, then one-minute break will increase one more step up to 101 steps, however those continuing chasing their dreams take one less step down to 99 steps. No doubt the dreams of the latter will come true in advance, so the rest should be the last thing to consider when being tired never comes up.




Having a comfortable life at present, human beings start not to concentrate on their dreams in which they immerse themselves and stop moving forward, giving up the persistence in their hearts, whereupon their futures will be simple copies of current lives without any vitalities.





However, those keeping moving with conditions in existence will have higher dreams and more splendid challenges, which is a very colorful future.



進(jìn)步不是由滿足的人所創(chuàng)造         Progress only belongs to the unsatisfied



Progress is not created by contented people, namely, If you had been satisfied, progress would have had nothing to do with you, and it is not prepared for the mindset of contentment.



Progress is of few possibilities created by contented people. If you dislike the current self, then try your best to change yourself; If you dislike the current working atmosphere, then make your decision to change it; If you dislike the current life, then feel no hesitation to change it.



Human beings would not be current human beings if they stopped progressing since the very beginning of mankind. The progress of science and technology is the assorted transforms of the thoughts of scientists; The progress of medical science is the numerous practices of the clinics of medical scientists; The progress of traffic is the arduous fruits of the builder. Neither any progress will last without improving, nor any development will continue without improving.



It's time for you to progress when you feel plain or boring or useless. Within a time when you're about to dilapidate yourself, only with a progress can you think normally and upwards.



It's time for you to progress when you're not capable of arguing any more, or when you're on the beach, or when you're nothing. In other words, progress is not something that can be given up by no reasons. Whoever abandon progresses are to abandon themselves



How would you stay still when what you have are totally out of control? Aren't you supposed to figure out a way to get rid of those castoffs?



辦法總比困難多      Method overwhelms difficulty



You are never harder than anyone else, since there is always a better way helping you out, which also verifies your working attitude and responsibility, and more for your ability.



Bumpy and uneven roads belong exclusively to whoever waste most of their time in lingering, and worrying about what is useless, which leads to a failure destination and brings endless sadness and helplessness.




Spacious and straight roads belong to whoever dig themselves into exploring breakthrough points, and taking full use of what they have to dilute difficulties and fears, so as to conquer them.



Everything can trigger new thoughts, although they may be doubtful before success, especially for the tough ones.



Please pull yourselves together and go out of troubles where you are stuck to widen visions and start a new life.



觀念改變命運(yùn)         Thoughts change life mostly



Money is unexpectedly spent somewhere before being acknowledged, however it can be reasonably arranged once it is spent somewhere consciously, like

real estate, to which you will thus get used.



Compared with whoever spend money aimlessly, those, who spend money on something requesting continuously settled investment, accumulate rather considerable fortune increasingly, like real estate.



Sometimes, what changes someone mostly is not how much effort he takes, but the bold and up-to-date thought. What can poverty only bring is still poverty, where nothing promising or gracious ever hit your eyes.



When there isn't any good sign of future showing up, the action of changing thought can't be too soon to carry out.



Every perfect plan might not definitely come out a great success, but a brave thought is apt to have a breakthrough.



只要肯拼搏,生活就沒(méi)有弱者     Anything is possible for the strong



It is of more possibilities to become strong for a passionate heart than an inactive one, with which the weak can achieve nothing but look up at others, then discard the bright future.



The strong are not strong before they experience toughly, and the weak are always weak when they are full of fear and negativity.




The future will be bright when considerable efforts are exerted, and brighter when such efforts are continuously exerted.  The good balance between advancing and retreat makes you fly higher.


只有擁有無(wú)畏向上的精神,才能克服工作生活中的種種曲折困難,不斷進(jìn)取。 只要擁有堅(jiān)定不移的毅力,就能成為生活中的強(qiáng)者和佼佼者。

The only effective way to overcome obstacles and difficulties from both work and life is to advance bravely and keep advancing.



Adjust yourself right now no matter how bad or good situation you are in, and go forward for your dreams. You are the very one who can defeat yourself or make you strong. You never know how strong you could be before being pushed by your own.




凡是殺不死你的,都只會(huì)讓你更強(qiáng)大     Those not killing you will be killed



Self-loathing will kill you from A to Z when you confront difficulty which is like a spring, being apt to become strong while you are apt to become weak.



If the miscellaneous details of work don’t bother you or break you down, then you are the strong at work, who always make themselves brave then stronger, and will be able to achieve success one way or another, and will accomplish twice as much.



If the heavy load of life doesn't exhaust you or make you evasive, then you are the strong in life, who always make themselves easy and then stronger, and will become joyful and happy, and will live without sorrow and anxiety.



If the great pressure of study doesn't overwhelm you or make you stop, then you are the strong among study, who always make themselves aggressive and then stronger, and will become positive, and will make astonishing progress.



You will be in a calm mood, then advance bravely when you don't pay attention to others’ gossips.



You will have correct and penetrating views, then make yourself brilliant when you don't agree with others' boasts.



You will be down-to-earth, then catch up with the successful people when you don't envy their achievements.



You will have a harmonious family, then make yourself happy when you don't complain their complaints.



You will be tolerant, then make yourself respectable when you don't resent your friends’ ingratitude.



You will have an open heart, then make yourself broadminded when you don't calculate your gain or loss.



你還在等什么         Now is the best time



You'll be an audience forever when you don't perform, no matter how big the stage is.



You'll be an outsider forever when you don't participate, no matter how good the platform is.



You'll look up to others' successes when you don't take actions, no matter how capable you are.



You'll be what is now forever when you don't practice, no matter how thoughtful you are.



You'll be friendless to the end when you don't get in contact with your friends, no matter how sociable you are.



You'll never find a niche when you don't integrate resources, no matter how ample hold.



嫉妒   Jealousy



When we admire others for their merits, we wish we also had the same merits as them, while when we envy others for their advantages, we not only don't have such merits, also depreciate and exclude them.



None of us doesn't know what comes after jealousy, it's hatred, which is followed by wrath; Once we become rather angry, and further out of our minds, any stupid and unconscious crime is possible to be committed, from which we can

conclude what serious consequence it is easy for the jealousy to evolve into.



This isn't scaremongering, and it's not what we expect to stay in prison pondering what stupid things we've done. There is an enormous number of people outside who are many times better than us, are we going to show our hostilities to all of them.



If others are better than us, it just means that they are better in some ways, which is a common existence. Just like that, everyone is unique, having their own merits and advantages, it's really not worth for us to waste time on envying others.



Now that it's not an appropriate choice to envy others, we may more or less choose to learn from them to offset our demerits, instead of giving up a potential chance in vain.



Those who envy others without evolving into anger are really admirable, which however, is eventually not a comfortable thing, sowing a risk in your mind.



The more attentions we pay to yourself, the less jealousies we have, sooner or later, we will figure out that we have the potential to be the one admired by others.



接觸什么樣的人和思想,就進(jìn)入什么樣的能量場(chǎng)        Energy depends on thinking



Keep good men company and you shall be one of the numbers. Different people bring different energies, of which the negative one will dominate soon or later when the positive energy is not strong enough to offset or defeat it, impeding whatever are supposed to be achieved successfully.



When one is with those who are happy, the possibility of being upset is reduced, increasing the possibility of being happy in the meantime, because happiness is what everyone seeks; If the one is also happy, the possibility of being happy will be enlarged more than twice.



When one is with those who are unhappy, the possibility of being upset increases rapidly, reducing the possibility of being happy in the meantime, because unhappiness is what everyone dislikes; If the one is also unhappy, the possibility of being upset will also be enlarged sharply.



When two different energies encounter each other, the one that is more powerful will overwhelm another, dominating the fields; For example, if someone always complains in front of you before none of your actions are taken, a kind of negative energy, you will also fall into starting to complain sooner or later.



If you try to stop the complaints to the contrary when someone is complaining, there are few or many a possibility that you stop the complaints and start to express yourself, slowly escaping from the complaints and dominating the field. Whoever have their own judgements are of few possibilities of being affected by others.



No wonder everyone likes to be with those who are full of positive energies, however not all of us are positive; As mentioned above, we should always stay with those who are positive to offset selves' negativizes and cultivate positive temperaments, and try our bests to stay away from those who are negative.



Please help others well when you're positive, and stay with positive ones when you're negative. Attitude decides whether you will succeed or not, and positive energy helps you succeed.





控制自己的情緒      Control your temper



We all have tempers either good or bad, of which the bad tempers have negative effects on those who readily lose their tempers and the ones around them.



You will be helpless or afflictive when you can't control your tempers or your moods dominate you, and sooner or later, the ones around you may also feel furious and lose their tempers too.



The ones who are easy to get angry will become lonely and solitary gradually, from whom others will keep themselves, finally will be discarded by the society.



Apparently, having a mild temper will helps a lot especially when it comes to some aggressive and sensitive problems.



We all wish we had a good temper; however, it turns out contrary due to its diversified subjectivities.



Whereas it doesn't mean it's impossible to cultivate a good temper because we're all rational before losing our tempers, what we need to do is to think much before getting angry, let thinking buffer your moods or tempers.



If you've already been used to having a short temper, you'd better often go out to let fresh things dilute and refresh your temper, furthermore, to cultivate a new smooth temperament slowly.




寬容   Tolerance



Many a serious mistake can be avoided easily by a simple tolerance.



Many a good relationship can be maintained well by a simple tolerance.



Many a tough mission can be finished perfectly by a simple tolerance.



Many a mild temper can be cultivated gradually by a simple tolerance.



Many a brutal killing can be prevented properly by a simple tolerance.



Many a aggressive talking can be continued smoothly by a simple tolerance.



Many a sustained conflict can be eased immensely by a simple tolerance.



Many a valuable advice can be collected effectively by a simple tolerance.



Many a beautiful emotion can be fostered delicately by a simple tolerance.



Many a lofty achievement can be refined gracefully by a simple tolerance.




樂(lè)觀   Optimism



Optimism is a rather precious personality, enabling one to ease passive effects in troubles, in the meantime, increasing powers and wits to confront them, which sometimes is more effective than common ways to prevent troubles.



Every day of our lives we encounter stresses of one kind or another, if we are not able to reduce or release those stresses properly, we will fall into the abyss of sadness and misery and tragedy, destroying our lifetimes.



It's pessimism that fosters stresses, making them seemingly fearful, conversely, stresses

breed pessimism when they become fearful, by which life are doomed to failure.



Stress itself is not fearful when not followed by pessimism, and can be easily reduced or

removed by optimism, because optimism itself is a source of wisdom and intelligence, mostly weakening the adverse effect.




The reason why one is always pessimistic is that the bad result of difficulty is the first

thing coming up in mind, incurring great panic and gradually occupying the whole mind, no doubt there isn't any room for positive mood or thinking to sow.




To better get rid of the bad effects of any stress or trouble, one should be always optimistic to consider more the positive aspects of them, diminishing the impact of them. The more optimistically one acts, the less pessimistic one will be.



Let's get the hell out of pessimism and be optimistic against everything already happened or happening.



落差   Drop



When everything happens beyond what we're expecting or realizing, we will feel upset or a great gap in our hearts, incurring contradiction and disagreement with others.



Generally speaking, the higher the fall or gap is, the more negative impact it will be; When we're told our payments decline a little, perhaps we just ignore it or complain a little, however when we're told we're fired all of a sudden, we will be shocked or furious.



There are always plenty of things which bring up differences surrounding us every day, either causing us some worry sometimes, or making us lost sometimes.



How differences affect us depends on how much we care for them. If we are indifferent to them, none of them will do harm to us mentally, on the contrary, we will get hurt more or less both mentally and physically.



In other words, nothing will beat or trouble us if we have strong endurance and will, even if they do cause some loss to us.



Such differences just provide us with good chances to temper our endurances when they're inevitable.



Some differences are rational and acceptable because they are not controllable, the moon is also changeable; Some differences are unreasonable and unforgivable because they are made to happen intentionally, I guess nobody will laugh out loud when blamed for nothing by others.




能阻礙你的,從來(lái)不是別人         Nobody but you can impede yourself



Before starting a thing, you should be clear about whether you really intend to do it or not. If you really do, the whole world will give way, no one will be not tired of blocking those who pursue their own happiness’s. If not, the whole world will block you.



Your parents, the strong backup, will not impede your progresses, even if you can't fully understand each other. Actually, the communications with your parents are not that difficult because your final goal is identical, hoping you live happily, the left you need to do is to let your parents realize how you can live happily.



The best lovers help each other, will not impede each other's progress. The best way to love lovers is to love them with the way making them feel comfortable, instead of loving them with the way you think is good, the left required is to communicate well.



Similarly, the best friends know your mind and persistence, will not impede your progresses. They do not strive for everything for you, but respect you. Those, who expect that you live well, but not better than them, are not the best friends.



Follow your course and let people talk. Whoever are able to impede your progress is only yourself, not anyone else. It's either because you're unstable in your heart, or because you're always suspicious of what you've been seeking before you really succeed.



Others just gossip no matter how well you stand or how bad you fall, and dismiss when finishing gossiping, everyone has their own affairs, for whom you are really not that important.



The impediment from others are almost assumed by yourselves, because you're not strong enough to resist obstructions coming from your deep heart. A strong and determined heart broadens your way of what you've been pursuing.




你的不自律,正在慢慢毀掉你    Lack of self discipline kills you slowly



What are gradually destroying one is the lack of self-discipline. Those who are always anxious about their statuses without perseverance to change themselves, or who are not persistent to a thing and always feel useless, are called as the lack of self-discipline. What they mostly insist on is to insist no longer.



Self-discipline is like a standard working condition of a stably-running machine, of which any disorderly interruption will deteriorate the stability of the machine, so is the self-discipline including route reading and exercise, hobby, the control of mood and so on, the lack of which will gradually apart one from the normal life.



Furthermore, living with a mobile phone for almost every day, is also a sort of the lack of self-discipline; Surely the mobile phone has brought extreme conveniences since the rapid development of the informationization, however, it also brings some adverse influences, separating one from communicating with others in person, wasting other important chances and making one solitary and arrogant.



The lack of the thinking towards life, the aspiration towards dream and the responsibility towards society, makes one indolent and aimless, gradually corroding the basic framework of a normal life and losing in windy life. Everybody, born with a special sense of mission, shouldn't become redundant for the society when contributing nothing to it; Self-discipline may not always make you useful for the society, but it wouldn't make you redundant neither.



Regardless of poverty or affluence, self-discipline is an accurate attitude towards life for everyone and a right way to live, which is also a ladder for the good ethos of society and the improvement of human.



Self-discipline grants human beings the real freedom, allowing one to avoid the unreligious eyes and gossips, because they have right three outlooks, beyond which others are absurd.




思維決定你前行的距離      Thinking enables a long journey



How deep you think decides how far you can walk. From the very origin of each human being's life, there are not any successful roads, but the thoughtful create many possibilities of achieving them. Actions are done after thorough consideration rather than casual decision, and they are filled with colorful challenges and exciting risks, which is sufficient to create success.



Think twice before you do. Provided thinking is correct, the right road is worthy of continuing with a firmer will, or the wrong steps can be even easily retarded. As long as the road is bright, life is rich and colorful everywhere.



Life is easy to cease when thinking is blocked, giving rise to worry about personal gains and losses and panic. The path of life is not that intricate when thinking is always running, and the success of life is a matter of time.



The path of life can be quite distinctive when the time and space of thinking approaches a high level, which is a brilliant and admirable life.



One's thinking is not born to be abundant and colorful without collective thinking. A great and significant thinking is based on intricate and rich experiences.



When you feel it's tired for you to continue to move forwards, please stop to refine your thinking, inspecting the road you've walked, the persons you've met, and reconstruct your thinking delicately to make the road smoother.




信任   Trust



Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose, and the hardest thing in the word to get back.




Please don't rashly and blindly trust others before eliminating all doubts against them, because it will become harder to trust them again once they betray your trust.



Trust is not anything talked big but some faiths man abides by morally, neither supervised by any law nor regulated by any authorization, which fully illuminates the reason why it is the easiest thing to lose.



Trust is not like a tyre that can be inflated again and again when flat, and reused as it never leaks. Once trust is breached, it's of tiny possibility to be reestablished, which also reasonably illuminates the reason why it's the hardest thing to get back.



Breaking our promises or failing to keep our words is the direct factor to destroy or collapse our trusts, the more we fail, the harder we will live in the society; We should never ever have such ideology to randomly promise others to do things of which we're not capable, due to the repetition of which gradually destroys our trusts.



To inhabit the society, losing trust for everyone is the last thing to do; Don't hesitate to try your best to maintain your trust when you've made a promise, no matter how much it costs.



欲知婚姻好不好,看看廚房就知道        Good marriage is with a busy kitchen



What brings a couple together is a marriage, of which, there are quite a few details, and whether the marriage is good or not can be judged from their kitchen. Love is no more than company for three meals per day, and four seasons per year.



The reason why the kitchen, a place that can embody a marriage, is seldom used in daily life, is either because both of the couple don't know how to cook, or because they are both busy with their own businesses without common points.



When the kitchen gradually aparts from the marriage, the marriage starts to deteriorate, especially for those couples who have their own businesses or friends. The roles played by a kitchen are more than a physical place where a couple cook, it is also a place where a couple can pour out their hearts, and a place where the marriage is practiced.



When the kitchen becomes rather essential for a marriage, the marriage can be practiced at least at a place. Three meals per day constitute a day continuously, and four seasons per year constitute a year continuously, adequately and fully continuing a marriage.



Although not all of the married know how to cook, it doesn't essentially deteriorate the marriage, what really matters is that whether or not the couple are willing to cook. If they are, the marriage is still substantially practiced; If not, the kitchen will become a mirror, reflecting the nothingness of the marriage.



Good businesses bring good profits, but not as good as a busy kitchen, for every good business has a big risk, sometimes ruining a marriage; Good friends upgrade levels, but not as high as a busy kitchen, for friends seldom keep their words, sometimes killing friends. However, a kitchen neither has a big risk, nor kill anyone, there is no reason that the married wouldn't like it.




求同存異      Seek common and keep difference



Everyone even twins in this world is irreplaceable, despite of their similar appearances, namely different people have different physiologies and senses.



It is the difference that brings good and evil, true and false, class and level and so on; In other words, if there were no differences among human beings, this society would be changeless.



No matter how different they are, different people can still achieve common goals or have common interests, or can seek common ground while putting aside differences.



In order to keep common ground, we should always control and regulate our emotions, and seldom consider or ignore our own gains and losses.



Every successful business or satisfactory meeting is managed by putting aside various differences.



It works the same way when two people reach an agreement; The common grounds boost their common interests, and the differences supervise each other.



Such a way is rather essential for a company, or a family; For a company, the common grounds put staffs' heads together to enforce the big strategy, and the differences spark creative thoughts; For a family, the common grounds stabilize the happiness, and the differences are just like different flavorings we need in every meal.




人和人之間的距離,太近了會(huì)扎人,太遠(yuǎn)了會(huì)傷人     A reasonable distance



It's human nature that everyone likes to show their good sides to others, including culture, knowledge and appearance, making the world colorful due to the differences among them, from which the distance is made.



Knowing everything, but not being worldly-wise is a really mature character, for distance sometimes produces beauty, maintaining a balanced situation invisibly, however, the distance shouldn't be neither too close, nor too far, when too close, it pricks people, and hurts people when too far.



When others are not willing to say anything upset, please keep this distance from them, and never ever try to compel them to say, they will do when they want to talk, otherwise you'll get hurt, because you're approaching the boundary of regret.



When others are pouring out their misfortunes, please sincerely say something to let them know you're listening, and showing your sympathy, otherwise, nobody will listen to you when it comes to your complaints, because they think you're not the one who can solve or help to solve the problems for them.



In brief, a proper distance between two people is a way making each other comfortable, or at least letting both accept each other even if both know each other's deficiency.



Everyone has their own unaccepted characteristics by others, including the good persons, so it's necessary that we should not exact others, and not complain ourselves, which can be concealed by distance.



Many a contradiction can be seen among couples, friends or colleagues due to the inappropriate distance between them.

For couples, a certain distance, a room in heart holding reason, is necessary to avoid a blind love, because a long love is rational.



For friends, a certain distance, a room in adversity consolidating friendship, is necessary to avoid a transient friendship, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.



For colleagues, a certain distance, a room in position maintaining a clear working environment, is also necessary to avoid a disordered flow, because each business requires a person in charge.




心窄了世界就大了,心寬了世界就小了  Make a heart big



It's hard for one to move a single step with fear when his heart is small, while it's easy for one to move many steps with confidence when his heart is big.



A common heart or attitude towards everything is necessary and recommended no matter how admirable others are, because each great success can't be managed without persistent forging. Where there is adoration, there is worship, however blind worship is not practical.



Every one lives in their own worlds where they are having different lives; There is no need for them to look at others' worlds with colorful glasses. Those who overreact could have had more comfortable and colorful world when having a tolerant heart.


The road, where you meet people you dislike and encounter things you hate, in the lot of everyone is not always flat, or you lose valuable things, which occur in everyone's world. The feasible way to handle those situations is to keep disliking them when meet troublesome people, and ignore them when encounter hateful things, or to become strong when lose valuable things.


The world is colorful regardless of the complexity of the society, we should simplify anything complex to enjoy the meaning of life, instead of wasting most of life time on them.



替別人考慮是一種美德      Thinking of others is a good deed



If the world only holds one person, then he only lives for himself without taking others into consideration, however everyone lives in a big family from a family to the whole world where they should get along with others, and taking others into consideration is a really great virtue.



Then what is called as being considerate of others? You don't smoke in public and places that ban smoking when you smoke; You turn down the volume when you enjoy music; You pack for you colleagues when you have a dinner party; You slow down your speech speed and reduce your decibel;  These thinkings or behaviors are considerate of others.



Being considerate for the public is a virtue, which is also a good way to run the interpersonal relation, making others feel respected and cared with appreciation so as to getting along better with others.



Being well-known for nobody, being considerate of others is a potential conscious behavior and the feature of helping others; If helping others is a virtue, being considerate of others is the inner cultivation, and the source of virtue.



Whoever are always considerate are kind-hearted persons and rare in present society; If we are all considerate, there will be less disputes and fights, and the world will become harmonious, which isn't a common goal for all of us? Come on, let us be considerate!




順其自然      Let it be



Life, full of troubles and difficulties, is not easy for everyone, no matter who you are, or what you do. Nevertheless, it can be a little easier for a steady heart.




Sometimes it's not something or trouble that blocks your way, but yourself. To have a easy life, doing anything within your own ability and thinking anything within your own mind are way enough, beyond which are not advisable.




What really troubles you is that you dare not discard most useless things that don't belong to you, and people who are not in the same channel with you. Cherish people you care more than they care you, and remember things that witness your past before they are gone.




There is always a feasible and controllable way for everyone, and you are your own master who decide your own happiness and future.

那就不一樣把 You are you, not anyone else           如果你和別人不一樣,那就不一樣吧,即使是葉子,也沒(méi)有兩片完全相同的葉子。

If you realize that you are different from others, then ignore it, as there are no two identical leaves in the world, each of us is different.



If you realize that your thought is different from others', then ignore it, as not the same actions come out of the same beginnings.



If you realize that your action is different from others', then ignore it, as not the same results come out of the same methods.



If you realize that your way of living is different from others', then ignore it, as not the same qualities of living come out of the same living conditions.



Never ever try to impose your thoughts on others and make troubles from bad to worse, although you may speak freely or highly, because everyone has their own lines.



Being different doesn't mean anything special, it's but different. Take what is effective and discard what is useless, only under which can you advance.



愛(ài)自己            Love yourself



By doing the right thing and loving yourself with a bright and merry heart for the moment, you can always meet hopeful future, which is also a great respect to life.



By reasonably doing what is in your power and try your best to persevere in it , you can make both yourself and others comfortable, in the meantime leave nothing to be complained, because not all the things deserve your contributions, and not all the people deserve your helps.



By complying with social morality and behaving reliably, you will gain great social respects from both people and government, especially the highly-developed information technologies and big data.  Think twice before you do, and never rashly promise before you are definitely able to do. Moreover, firmly fulfil what is promised by you, especially for your best friends or families, who may offer you their helps when you indeed need help.



By obeying each other's bottom lines and showing your respect to others, you will never feel helpless and lonely, because privacy is not proprietary for anyone.



By striving for a bright and fresh future for yourself and reckoning with your time and money, you can make yourself rich in both material and spirit; In addition, make friends with helpful friends, so as to level up your circle of friends.



By building your body well and keeping healthy, you can advance to success more easily and securely, because body is the only thing that can be carried wherever you go.



By broadening hobbies and interests and attentively experiencing life, your vision, ambition and aspiration will be profoundly broadened, so will be your ways of coping with difficulties and setbacks; Furthermore, life itself is full of ups and down and is changeable.



毒品   Drug



Compared with food that provides nutritional support, a drug is any substance that causes a physiological change in human beings' body when inhaled or injected, such as morphine, heroin, cannabis and so on.



The drug problem is a worldwide problem, is the 20th century, the world's most serious public hazard and one of the public enemies of all mankind, which currently continues to threaten public health, safety, well-being and to undermine social, economic and political stability and sustainable development.



How does a drug undermine a single one, and then most of us, finally the social, economic and political stability step by step? Have you ever heard butterfly effect? It may precisely elucidate the potential process.



We've already realized that a drug will cause a physiological in a human being's body, making you both physically and mentally dependent on it. When not used, a drug causes a lot of disorders in your physiological functions, leaving you less than alive. And furthermore, more and more drugs should be used to prevent addicts from suffering from pains.



The more drugs used, the more cost.  How can a common addict afford so much?  So, he or she turns to their family for help or imposes the burden on their family. It is not that their family are not willing to help them, but that such an abyss is beyond their abilities. By sacrificing more people, the criminals or profiteers spread the drugs worldwide to make huge profits.



Gradually, destroying addicts' families, drugs exhaust what they have. If allowing such a situation to indulge itself, a government may also fail. In order to stop, confine and prevent this situation, many a countermeasure is being carried out with efforts from multiple sections or countries.



We should never ever contact drugs no matter how curious you are or how seductive the drug is. Cherish life, keep away from drugs.







No other places are more comfortable than home where there is a family.



Family is the only place where you can completely relax yourself.



Whenever you're troubled, family is always there for you.



Whenever you're unhappy, family is always there for you.



Whenever you're lonely, family is always there for you.



Whenever you're helpless, family is always there for you.



Whenever you're lost, family is always there for you.



No matter why you leave, there is always a family in your heart.



No matter what you do, there is always a family in your heart.



No matter where you're, there is always a family in your heart.



No matter when you return, there is always a family in your heart.



No matter who you’re, there is always a family in your heart.



No matter how you live, there is always a family in your heart.




交通規(guī)則      Traffic rules



Nothing can be accomplished without rules or standards, so is the traffic, which beyond all doubt needs stricter and more detailed rules.



A traffic rule is like a country's law and constitution, applying to whoever have corresponding capacity of civil rights and civil conduct. Any behavior violating it will be punished by the law.


在你可以合法駕駛前,你必須先考駕照。 要取得駕照需要經(jīng)過(guò)一系列嚴(yán)格的考試,包括交通規(guī)則的考試, 其中交通規(guī)則的書面考試看起來(lái)比較容易考過(guò),但是真實(shí)的交通規(guī)則往往是錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的,尤其是交通事故。


Before being able to drive legally, you should get a driving license first, to gain which requests a series of serious tests, involving the test of traffic rule, of which the written test seems a little bit easy to finish, however, the real situation embodied under the traffic rule turns out to be rather complicated and confused, especially a traffic accident.



The traffic rule can't be more detailed. To ensure a safe and enjoyable drive, we should be courteous and defensive, instead of being offensive, namely, we should obey the traffic rule to minimize the losses or damages in case of a traffic accident.



Different countries may have different marks organizing a road or pavement due to the differences of language, including speed limits, lanes, junctions, intersections, interchanges and so on. Despite the obvious differences, they play the similar role effectively warning drivers or orderly navigating the traffic.




莫把工作生活分開(kāi)   Life and work should be together



You'll have to hunt for a job tomorrow if you don't work hard today.



A job which by and large constitutes most of our lives sustains our livelihood and allows us to live the way we're expecting,



If we separate work from life, the time left to us will be rare and pitiful, compelling you to feel life is both not ample in time and not increased in quality.



If we integrate work with life, life will be more flexible and colorful, in the meantime, the way you think and behave will meaningfully enlarged due to the extension of time and space.



The direct effect of such an integration is obvious and precious, for example, you may not be easily moody and not bring bad mood home due to the constant environment for the whole day, which allows you to cultivate a consistent and smooth temperament.



This also helps you rationally and systematically arrange your time, no doubt you will profit a lot when it comes to the balance point between work and life, which are work boosting life and life improving work.



Life is not easy, so is work, let's make this two easier by integrating them and maximizing their merits to achieve a wonderful and successful life.




聆聽(tīng)和表達(dá)很重要   Both listen and expression are important



There are always some people who confuse others' conversations with aggressive and picky words, like a terminator. A good word keeps one warm when it's winter, and a bad one makes one cold when it's summer.  Chatting with others is actually a knowledge.



Everyone spends most of daily life on chatting with others, including family, friends and colleagues, regardless of the contents of conversations. Chatting with colleagues promotes mutual understandings, and chatting with family improves mutual emotions.



A conversation consists of listen and talk, each of which is essential for a joyful and significant conversation; If one only concentrates on expressing self's emotion, instead of taking others' emotions into consideration occasionally, the conversation won't be prolonged significantly; If one only concentrates on listening to others, instead of expressing self's emotion occasionally, the conversation can't enhance mutual understandings; If one ignores both, the beginning of the conversation is already a mistake.



A meaningful and joyful conversation is a process of switching smoothly between listen and talk, which may also contribute to next conversation.



Some conversations are carrying on casually, but the result makes people comfortable; Some are carrying on nastily, but understanding can be clearly accepted, and problem can be solved regardless of insignificance.



The worst conversation not only fails to promote mutual understandings, solve problems and bring happiness, but incurs more misunderstandings oppositely.



人生如戲,全靠演技         Life needs your performance



Life is like a drama, and everything depends on your performance. The better the performance is, the better you will feel. To achieve advanced performances requires multiple special skills, which push you forward when you have a zest, otherwise drag your feet when you degenerate.



It's time to enrich your skills when feeling tired or bored is always the emotion you can think of, advancing your skills and removing the exhaustion.



If you can't deal with the relations of colleagues, there must be something wrong with your words and actions, because you don't say or do at right time. The words and actions in a company is neither too stubborn, nor too simple.



If you can't take your roles, including father, son, and husband, in your family, there must be something wrong with your skills, because you have to switch the roles frequently. Different roles need different words and actions, which are serious about children, respectful to parents, and honest towards wife.



If you can't get along well with your friends, there must be something wrong with

contact, because friendship maintenances require a constant contact. Being not family members, friends have a larger role than them sometimes. Making contact with friends frequently maintains a stable friendship, and contact with sincere heart and upward mood makes a meaningful and practical one.



Life is not easy, especially if you're not willing to perform, and will become harder when you're not perform determinedly. Everyone's life is a unique drama, depicting their own emotions and having nothing to do with outsiders.




習(xí)慣   Habit



A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously, and bad habits often incur severe consequences, causing losses to both self and others



Since the behavioral patterns we repeat are imprinted in our neural pathways, any attempt to fix them is extremely difficult, although human beings are born to form many good habits. Considering this, one should try to form a good habit for the very beginning.



A good habit always helps you to improve the work efficiency and gain workmates’ favorable comments, allowing you to get promoted more easily or manage whatever jobs your boss assign to you more rapidly.



Whereas bad ones always become the obstacles for anything boosting your career, making you feel everything goes against you, even some simplified jobs may also be complicated time and time again.



A habit acts just like the configuration of a computer, the running efficiency of which greatly depends on how the hardware and software are configured; When configured highly, a computer can handle various tasks in advance, compared with the low one, so does a good habit, bringing profound and lasting impacts in life.



We all realize how important a good habit is and how difficult it is for us to form a good habit, based on which, all the efforts to try to form a good habit are not in vain, life anyway is a process of a big integration of forming various good habits. The differences between a bad habit and a good habit being formed are still obvious.



There are only two kinds of habit, one kind is good, the other bad, if you don't intend to form a good one, you can only have a bad one, namely to form a good habit is to fix a bad one; The sooner one recognizes bad habits, the easier it is to fix them.




閱讀   Reading



To gain a bright future or have the life one wishes is to accumulate knowledge and experience, and to accumulate knowledge is to enlarge one's reading. Not limited to the books which usually are read in a school or library, reading can be achieved or enlarged by many other medias, such as network, TV and so on.



If reading can't be kept as a habit, please don't dig into it. What can be learned from daily work is not ample enough to cope with the demanding social pressure. Only under the accumulation of knowledge, by consistent and diverse reading, can one overcome diverse difficulties and pressures.



The more one reads, the more useful knowledges one might not have, because undesirable knowledge, is always spreaded through network media to misinform readers by merchants or other lawbreakers, to reach their own profits, mostly money or some hidden purposes.



The undesirable knowledges are what people don't identify or those which disrupt the stability of society, or those violating regulations and laws. Therefore, it's necessary that one have some strict rules before starting to read, such as what to read, what not to read and how to read.



Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, which is also the way a large amount of reading affects the accumulation of knowledge, a sporadic reading contributes tiny little to the accumulation of knowledge, sometimes destroying the mechanism of memory by disordering memory curve- The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve.



Reading is flexible, occurring anywhere and anytime as long as time allows; And readings should be extensive, each of which should also be purposeful, readers know what knowledge to gain, in the meantime, ignoring the useless information, by which the speed of reading can also be improved.



If reading can be shared with others, the accumulation of knowledge will be accelerated and consolidated, moreover, many a misunderstanding can be avoided by overseeing together.




越長(zhǎng)大,越普通     Most lives are common


Everyone has a dream having a great achievement in future since childhood, however most of them become common people who live a common life of joy and sadness.



It's necessary that one should struggle for his dream firmly, whereas not all dreams can be fulfilled by continuous hard working. Only under right time, place and people can a success be created, and other inappropriate conditions create common people.



Perhaps hard working might not create success, but it won't create mediocrity either. Compared with ordinary, the desolation of heart is more fearful. Actually, a common life can also be lived meaningfully as long as heart is wide enough.



An ordinary life is not what one has been expecting but what one should accept frankly when most of life has been consumed. An extraordinary life can still be explored from an ordinary life with a mature heart.



Choosing to be a little star is a reasonable choice sometimes when becoming a moon is not what we can achieve.  Although it’s not unique, it is bright enough to highlight some place, after all every part of this universe has their own missions.



When people get older and older, what they are capable of thinking is limited in a small scope, in which the incomplete dream is hardly realized, however the footprint is clearly marked in the path of life, and is also the witness of maturity even if it's not gorgeous




禮貌   Courtesy



Politeness is the minimum ethic human beings should collectively abide by to maintain the normal social life, against which any act is not acceptable and supportable, respected by nobody.



You must respect others before you can get respect from others. Being polite is the very way to show one's respect, which allows others to realize one's friendliness, making further conversations more feasible or dissipating the tension due to strangeness.



Since the impacts of both the rapid spread of network and the rapid pace of life, a few people start speaking rudely or misbehave deliberately to release self discontents, breaking the required moral norm, even though it is the minimum one.



With the increasing of the number of these people, the atmosphere of the whole society becomes foul gradually, at that time, human beings all have a sense of insecurity, let alone get respect from others, sooner or later the society will go back to the primitive society.



Being polite isn't designed specifically for someone, it's essential that human beings abide by it together, which benefits both self and others. Whenever or whatever others help you, please show your politeness by saying thanking you, and please say you're sorry when it's your fault, which obviously is a rather easy thing for everyone to behave.



Perhaps being polite is a difficult thing for someone to do, then stopping being rude or keeping smiling is at least an alternative way not to show hostility, leaving more options to others and also allowing self to wait for a better chance to show one's politeness.



Actually, being polite is very useful in daily work and life, creating a comfortable atmosphere in daily work, and reducing complaints in daily life, the air is even fresh and natural, and the conflict can be easily avoided.




孩子該不該接觸電子設(shè)備  Children's usages of electric devices



The present society is a society with the high integration of various information, whose supporting body the electronic device is overflowing, bringing extreme conveniences, however bringing many adverse effects in the meantime, especially for the children without consistent supervision.



The present adults have much more dependence on the electronic devices than their children. Once they are not with their mobile phones, they will feel boring and dull. Another important reason why the children like the electronic devices, is that they can prove their qualities there, where they can constantly become strong, and is not reachable in real life.



To limit children to accessing electronic devices is out of the question under such a society. Even if you do that home, who can ensure that they won't play games in other places like school.



Since children's access to electronic devices is unavoidable, they should be taught to use the electronic devices to meet their own needs, and play with them with some rules, which also confirms their self-esteems, and helps them cultivate their self-discipline.



Actually, there are other many games besides the electronic games, which are better options for the children to some extent. The children can not only experience the lives realistically and expand their visions, but release them thoroughly.




什么都舍不得扔是一種病  Keeping everything is a disease



If everything is thought to be useful in future and the desire of buying things can't be limited, the house will be overstocked, causing the oppressive feeling, which is actually a disease.



The reason why plenty of things are kept so far is that some people escape from the fact by making excuses like having no time, or some people immerse in the bygone memories whose real embodiments are that much things, or some people hoard things that might be used in future. Actually, we can neither go back to the bygone ourselves, nor arrange our futures, therefore it's not necessary for us to store that many memories and worry about our futures. It's better we cherish what we have now.



Life should be forward by laying down the things which are thought to be useful in future, and sweeping the useless interpersonal relations, for example, others might not provide you with what you need, and you don't want to turn them for help.



The new things never come before the old things are gone. The useless things confine you to discover new things; The past memories confine you to pursue new memories. Only under less loans can we be in our elements and be not oppressive.



It's necessary that we shop reasonably so as not to overstock and not fall into valueless emotions randomly so as not to be troubled by sensitivity.




種下什么因,皆有什么果  Everything happens for a reason



You reap what you sow, so the result is consequent upon the reason, which is an invariable truth.



You will get along well with others if you're easy-going; You will be excluded by others if you have a short temper; If you work hard, you will succeed; If you stop moving forward, you won't succeed.



Each human being should feel for others not to do harm to them, because you would be constantly blamed by your heart once you did harm to others, which is direct result of being harmful to others.



Perhaps it's not your reason when you can't get along well with someone, but it's definitely your reason when you can't get along well with many others. The reason includes the way you behave or the attitude you have.



You will be treated well when treating others well; You will be provided with great help when helping others mostly; You will be handy with everything when being well-trained; You will be popular when having a good daily habit.



God is fair, we mustn't act against our hearts, never ever trying to do harm to others.



你越省就越窮         Saving makes no fortune



Thrift and diligence have become the wisdom of survival and life for many people, which is preserved constantly for thousands of years.



The consuming psychology should be altered with the new industrial and commercial era from the poverty, which is easy to divide people into two extremes, one of which is the conspicuous show of being rich, and the other is the immersion into panic of poverty, constantly depositing money and worrying the insufficiency of money, actually this kind of saving won't bring wealth, conversely it makes poorer.



The lack of consumption will reduce the quality of life, which is also not recommended by both government and society. Consumption not only boosts the economic growth, but improves the delight of life. We should choose the consumption matching our abilities.



Blind saving can only increase the numeric value of fortune, however maybe the real value of it won't value as much as expected. Plan is changing all the time, and the blinding saving will aggravate the burden out of hard work, which is against the increase of fortune. Only a proper consumption can we really develop the potential of digging new fortunes. How can you earn more money without a stronger body?




You will stay poverty without properly using your fortune. Saving is a virtue, but should be moderate, so is the consumption.



忙里偷閑比閑著無(wú)聊好      A rest from something is better than that of nothing



There are plenty of people who are carefree in their lives, killing time within a fixed time period, which is maybe considered as a pretty admirable thing, however such status brings them a more tired heart instead of a comfortable one.



Some eases during busy time are the most precious, allowing people to realize the meaning of work and the joy of life. Contrarily, doing nothing and wasting time all the day is just like a boat sailing nowhere.



Perhaps an occupied life consumes great energies and floods many delights, however such a life is a stable and rich life because if you don't plan for long, you will trouble soon. Eases during busy time will make you thank life more and encourage yourself more.



Many a person is discarded by themselves through wasting time on insignificant things.  It's not reasonable for common us not to struggle when the successful are still struggling, and it is of few possibilities that you will fail yourself after hard working, but it is of no possibility that you will not be discarded when you kill time insignificantly.



Although we are rather tired sometimes, our lives are progressing, which isn't what we have been expecting? If so, being tired is a common condition all of us may encounter. When we feel tired, it's necessary that we relax ourselves fully.




生活是一部劇,上演悲歡離合     Life is a mixed drama



The life of everyone is a drama with assorted plots, requiring them to frequently switch roles to activate the ups and downs of the dramas, including the sentimental separation and death, the extreme delight, the thundering irritation and the inflexible calmness. You have to act fully in your drama since you star there.



When you experience the emotion of sentiment, don't suck yourself into it and be inescapable, since your life and drama will stop by no means. Your life continues and your drama progresses with more than sentimental plots. Provided you cope with the sentiment properly, you can figure out joy is also worth being treasured.



When you experience the emotion of delight, don't be complacent and forget yourself, since your life and drama will stop by no means. Your life progresses and your drama evolves with more than then delightful plots. Provided you cope with the delight properly, you can figure out sentiment can be also cured.



When you experience the emotion of irritation, don't get exasperated and deny all, since your life and drama will stop by no means. Your life bumps and your drama undergoes a revulsion with more than irritating plots. Provided you cope with the irritation properly, you can figure out happiness also requires guardianship.



When you experience the emotion of calmness, don't suspect life and overreact, since your life and drama will stop by no means. Your life accumulates and your drama upsurges with more than calm plots. Provided you cope with the calmness properly, you can figure out calmness is also rare to possess.



We should always show our bests to experience the assorted plots in our dramas, flushing our lives and make them blossom.



人讓車讓出順暢,車讓人讓出安全        Man and traffic should be harmonious



Rules must not be breached by the first ones that legalize them, against which any behaviors deserve due punishment, just like the traffic rules that guard the personal safety and maintain the happiness of many families, and any violative behaviors will bring severe results from financial losses to the ruin of a family.



Driving courteously and politely is always the ultimate goals the traffic lights are given; however, traffic lights are independent of man's will, often requiring pedestrians and car owners’ comity and coordination. The comity from the pedestrians’ side enables an unimpeded traffic, and a confirming safety from the other side.



Traffic jam is more dominant when it comes to rush hours. If everyone only considers their own requests going to work or home earlier by cutting in a queue or walking saucily, then everything will just go the opposite way, making the traffic paralyzed and themselves roam in the endless wait.



Many a traffic accident can be easily avoided by a little more polite driving and walking. A little gall spoils a great deal of honey.   We believe that none of us is willing to be this little gall.



Safety, courtesy and smoothness are what we need for work.  Now that smoothness and safety can escort the goal of life and the happy life, are there any reasons that we don't fulfill.




真正聰明的人是不走捷徑的         The smart conduct honestly



There is no shortcut to success, neither is life, the success of everyone is the long-term accumulation of previous experiences, instead of coming from nowhere. Whoever are smart never take the shortcut.



We being tired of the same messy works repeat them every day instead of approaching the so-called success, feeling like giving up them, in addition, the complaints from colleagues exacerbate the boredom, finally bring people into the abyss of despair. Is life to work endlessly?



Life is not to work endlessly but work efficiently. It's essential that people work for a living, and experience a lot things so as to accumulate as much as they can, which more or less contain messy things. The right way to deal with those messy things is to have a big heart, with which people can confront all the risks and challenges and open the way to success.



Compared with other attitudes of life, perhaps being tired with joy is a real shortcut, and is what the smart should have. What kind of life one will have has something to do with how hard he works? Nobody will set up a shortcut for you because they all work for their own lives.



If one changes his view for his current situation, he will find that he has no choice but to work harder and efficiently to get rid of each of the painful and boring experiences. Life without any shortcut never comes again, where every experience is unique and precious.



The reason why the time spent on complaining can't be spent on eliminating it, is that the right attitude can't be taken. A real success comes with various painful experiences and efficiently converts all fatigues into power and keeps advancing.




每個(gè)人不能被默認(rèn)設(shè)置牽著鼻子走        Everyone should live colorfully



Everyone should be the master of themselves from the beginning of life to the end of it, instead of being set up by others, namely everyone must describe their own journey heartily.



We've been ignorant for the whole year repeating the same life, which is so-called default setup. During this period, we are rarely aware of our lives, and rarely intend to update ourselves to a high level.



If we're able to see clearly our lives, we can feel our lives and appreciate them, allowing us to enrich our lives and to create beautiful lives.



There are plenty of things in life we can oversee. Feeling them with our hearts and carrying them out frequently can avoid a painful default setup of life. The default setup of life is always ready for those who is lazy to think and act.




The success of life for children is always set by many a parent, under which children are required to learn many skills which are already beyond their endurances. If the children choose to be demanded frequently, they will be led by the nose.



What parents should do is to escort their children in the way towards a great success, instead of driving by themselves. As long as the children become the master of their owns, they can create unique lives. Everyone has different lives, and the default setup is against the uniqueness of birth.




簡(jiǎn)歷   Resume



One may have various experiences or skills, the combination of some primary and noticeable ones of which, forms the most of a resume; Like the first impression which acquaints others with one's profile, a resume allows employers or headhunters to get to know the applicant generally within a minimum time.



No doubt a conspicuous and sophisticated resume can capture employers’ eyes rapidly, holding the advantage from the beginning of employment, compared with which, a plain one is better than a redundant and miscellaneous one.



Certainly, a resume should be real and meaningful without any counterfeit, moreover, can be decorated delicately, a good one is also a reflect of one's ability of organization. If one is not able to organize a resume well, the first impression to employers will be discounted a lot.



As we know, a resume will be plain or if one doesn't experience or study a lot, however a resume can be improved gradually with the increasing of experiences or skills gained from daily work or life, what one needs to do is to frequently experience major and meaningful events, which mostly constitute a resume.



For example, if one has more relative certificates or experiences than others in applying for the same position, he may be hired prior to others, furthermore he can request more benefits accordingly.



A resume is like a mirror mirroring one's major experiences and skills, sometimes a brief of personality, if one intends to see a beautiful mirror, please struggle for that, because a mirror is not a liar.




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