


 huadelee 2024-09-02 發(fā)布于重慶


目錄 Table of Contents


Part One Contract Agreement


General Conditions

1. 一般約定

General Provisions

2. 發(fā)包人 The employer

3. 承包人 Contractor

4. 監(jiān)理人 Supervisor

5. 工程質量?

Quality of Work

6. 安全文明施工與環(huán)境保護?

Safety at Work, Orderly Conduct and Environmental Protection

7. 工期和進度?

Programme and Progress

8. 材料與設備?

Material and Plant

9. 試驗與檢驗?

Test and Inspection

10. 變更

Amendment and Variation

11. 價格調整

Price Adjustment

12. 合同價格、計量與支付

Contract Price, Measurement and Payment

13. 驗收和工程試車?

Acceptance and Commissioning

14. 竣工結算?

Settlement on Completion

15. 缺陷責任與保修?

Defects Liability and Remedy Warrantee

16. 違約 Default

17. 不可抗力 Force Majeure

18. 保險 Insurance

19. 索賠 Claims

20. 爭議解決 Dispute Resolution

第三部分 ?專用合同條款?

Part III Particular Conditions ?


1.6 圖紙和承包人文件

Drawings and Contractor’s Documents

1.6.1 圖紙的提供和交底

Submission and Explanation of Drawings


The employer should, pursuant to the time limited, number and content stipulated in particular condition, submit in free of charge the drawings and organize the contractor, the supervisor and designer to carry out the joint review and design explanation on the drawings. The employer should make available the contractor with the drawings not later than fourteen days prior to the commencement day which is stipulated in Article 7.3.2[Commencement Notice].


Provided that the employer fails to submit the drawings to the contractor pursuant to contract agreement, which give rise to the contractor’s cost increase or work time delayed, the settlement therefrom will be dealt with under the agreement of Article 7.5.1 [Work Delay by Cause of Employer].?

1.6.2 圖紙的錯誤

Errors in Drawings


Provided that if the contractor, upon receipt of the drawings provided by the employer, find any error, omission or defective, should give promptly notify the supervisor with the same. The supervisor should, upon receipt of such notice, attach the relative opinion and immediately submit to the employer which should, within the reasonable time upon receipt of notice from the supervisor, make decision thereon. The reasonable time means the time which is necessary for the employer after receiving the notice from the supervisor, try its best and don’t slack to complete the amendment and supplement of drawings.

1.6.3 圖紙的修改和補充

Amendment and Supplement of Drawings


Where the drawings need amendment and supplement thereof, should be subject to the approval of original designer of drawings and the authority for examination / approval, the revised or supplementary drawings should, prior to execution of project or the corresponding part thereof, be submitted to the contractor by the supervisor, the contractor should,pursuant to the revised or supplementary drawings,conduct construction.


Traffic and Transportation

1.10.1 出入現場的權利

Rights of Entry Site


Unless otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should, pursuant to the necessity of construction, be liable to obtain the approval procedures and all rights for access the work site, and acquire the rights which are necessary for construction of road, bridge and other infrastructure, and bear the cost thereof and execution cost. The contractor should assist the employer to process the procedures of construction of the road within / out site, bridge and other infrastructure.


The contractor should, prior to conclusion of contract, make survey and check site, and pursuant to the project scale and technical parameters, make the reasonable prediction of mode, means and path, etc. which are necessary for construction to access site. Where the contractor’s failure to make reasonable prediction thereof, any increased cost and / or delayed work term therefrom shall be undertaken by the contractor.

1.11知識產權 Intellectual Property

1.11.1 除專用合同條款另有約定外,發(fā)包人提供給承包人的圖紙、發(fā)包人為實施工程自行編制或委托編制的技術規(guī)范以及反映發(fā)包人要求的或其他類似性質的文件的著作權屬于發(fā)包人,承包人可以為實現合同目的而復制、使用此類文件,但不能用于與合同無關的其他事項。未經發(fā)包人書面同意,承包人不得為了合同以外的目的而復制、使用上述文件或將之提供給任何第三方。

Except as otherwise stipulation in the particular condition, the copyrights of drawings submitted by the employer to the contractor, the technical specifications which are prepared or consigned to prepare in addition to other documentation which reflect the employer's requirement or with other similar characters will belong to the employer, the contractor may, for the purpose of implement of contract , duplicate and use the documentation of such kinds, whereas cannot use in other items without relation to this contract. The contractor cannot, without the employer’s written consent, duplicate or use the aforementioned documents or submit the same to any other third party.

2.3 發(fā)包人人員

Employer’s personnel



The employer should require its personnel on site to abide by the laws and regulations of safety, quality, environmental protection, ordered construction and so on, and indemnify the contractor against the loss and liability due to the employer personnel to observe above requirements.

The employer’s personnel include its representative and other personnel dispatched by the employer to the site.

2.4 施工現場、施工條件和基礎資料的提供?

Provisions of the site, conditions of construction and basic data

2.4.1 提供施工現場

Provision of construction site


Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular condition the employer should no later than seven days prior to the commencement date hand over the site to the contractor.

2.4.2 提供施工條件

Provision of construction conditions


Except otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should provide the necessary conditions for construction including:


The facilities of water, power and communication lines, which necessary for construction, should be connected into the site.

3. 承包人 Contractor

3.1 承包人的一般義務

General Liabilities of Contractor


The contractor should in the course of the performance hereof comply with the laws and the standards / norms respecting to engineering construction in addition to the performance of following obligations:


Effect the procedures for approval and sanction, which should be effected by the contractor under the provision of law and submit the result of procedure to the employer in writing for its deposition on file.


Effect the completion of works pursuant to legal regulations and contract agreement in addition to assume the warranty liabilities within the maintenance period.

3.4 承包人現場查勘

Contractor’s Site Survey


The contractor shall be responsible for his explanation and deduction which are produced on the basis of the basic materials which submitted by the employer in accordance with paragraph 2.4.3 [Provision of Basic Data] hereof, however if basic data’s error, omission which lead to the contractor’s explanation or deduction inaccurate, the responsibility therefrom shall be born by the employer.


The contractor should made the survey on the work site and construction conditions, and become acquainted with the project site’s conditions of weather, traffic, social customs and habits in addition to other materials which are relation to the completion of contract project. Provided that if the contractor’s failure of full survey, comprehension of the foregoing situation or full estimation of the possible consequences which arise out of foregoing situation, the contractor will assume the added cost therefrom and / or delayed term.

3.5 分包 Subcontract

3.5.1 分包的一般約定

General Agreement of Subcontract



The contractor shall not subcontract the contracted entire project to a third party, or make dismemberment of entire project contracted to a third party in the name of subcontract. The main structure, key works and professional works which are prohibited in particular condition of contract to be subcontract shall not be subcontracted to third party by the contractor. The scope of main structure and key works shall be defined by parties hereto in accordance with the regulations of law.

The contractor shall not subcontract the project in the name of labour subcontracting or conduct illegal subcontracting to third party.

5. 工程質量?

Engineering / Work Quality


Quality Requirement

5.1.1 工程質量標準必須符合現行國家有關工程施工質量驗收規(guī)范和標準的要求。有關工程質量的特殊標準或要求由合同當事人在專用合同條款中約定。

The quality standards for construction project should meet the requirements of the current State’s norms and standards for construction quality acceptance. The specific standards or requirements for construction quality should be stipulated upon by the parties hereto in particular conditions hereof.

5.1.2 因發(fā)包人原因造成工程質量未達到合同約定標準的,由發(fā)包人承擔由此增加的費用和(或)延誤的工期,并支付承包人合理的利潤。

If the project quality fails to meet the standard which is agreed in contract due to the cause of the employer, the added cost arising therefrom and delayed period shall be undertaken by the employer in addition to payment of the contractor’s reasonable profit.

5.1.3 因承包人原因造成工程質量未達到合同約定標準的,發(fā)包人有權要求承包人返工直至工程質量達到合同約定的標準為止,并由承包人承擔由此增加的費用和(或)延誤的工期。

If the project quality fail to meet the standard stipulated in contract, the employer is entitled to require the contractor rework until the project quality reach the standard stipulated in contract and the increased cost arising therefrom and or delayed period shall be assumed by the contractor.


Measurements for Quality Guarantee

5.2.1 發(fā)包人的質量管理?

Quality Management by Employer


The employer should pursuant to law’s stipulation and contract’s agreement perform all and each works relating the project construction.

7.3.2 開工通知

Commencement Notice


The employer shall, in accordance with the stipulations of law, obtain the necessary permission and approval for the construction of the works. The Commencement Notice issued by the supervisor shall, subject to the employer’s approval and comply with the stipulations of law. The supervisor shall, 7 days prior to the scheduled commencement date and the work term will be calculated from the commencement date which is stated in Commencement Notice.


Unless otherwise specified in the particular condition, where the supervisor fails to issue Commencement Notice due to the employer’ reason, within 90 days from the scheduled commencement date, the contractor reserve the right to raise the requirement of price adjugement or termination of contract. Employer should bear the increased cost and / or delayed term arising therefrom in addition to make payment of reasonable profits to the contractor.


Surveying and Setting out

7.4.1 除專用合同條款另有約定外,發(fā)包人應在至遲不得晚于第7.3.2項〔開工通知〕載明的開工日期前7天通過監(jiān)理人向承包人提供測量基準點、基準線和水準點及其書面資料。發(fā)包人應對其提供的測量基準點、基準線和水準點及其書面資料的真實性、準確性和完整性負責。

Unless otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should in no later 7days prior to the commence date which stipulated in the provision[Commence Notice]7.3.2 hereof, provide the contractor with datum mark, baseline and leveling points and the written materials thereof. The employer shall be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the datum mark, baselines and level points as well as their written materials thereof which are provided by the employer.


Where the contractor finds any errors or omissions in the datum mark, baselines and level points in addition to the written materials provided by the employer, the contractor shall promptly notify the supervisor. The supervisor shall promptly report to the employer and joint with the employer and the contractor to verify. The employer shall make a decision on how to handle and / or if continue the construction, and notify the supervisor and the contractor.

8.6.2 樣品的保管 Care of Sample


The approved sample shall be sealed by the supervisor at the scene, the contractor should provide the appropriate and fixed site for the preservation of samples and maintain proper and good storage conditions at the site.

8.7材料與工程設備的替代 Substitution for Material and Engineering Equipment

8.7.1 出現下列情況需要使用替代材料和工程設備的,承包人應按照第8.7.2項約定的程序執(zhí)行:

Where any of the following circumstances require the use of alternative materials and engineering equipment, the contractor shall act in accordance with the procedures specified in Article 8.7.2:


Being prohibited to use by law in force subsequence to the base date.

(2)發(fā)包人要求使用替代品的;The employer requires the use of substitutes.


The substitutes should be used due to other reasons.

9. 試驗與檢驗 Test and Inspection


Equipment and Personnel for Test / Inspection

9.1.1 承包人根據合同約定或監(jiān)理人指示進行的現場材料試驗,應由承包人提供試驗場所、試驗人員、試驗設備以及其他必要的試驗條件。監(jiān)理人在必要時可以使用承包人提供的試驗場所、試驗設備以及其他試驗條件,進行以工程質量檢查為目的的材料復核試驗,承包人應予以協助。

Where the contractor, by virtue of the agreement hereof or the supervisor’s instruction, make the material test on site, the place, personnel, device and other necessary conditions for the test should be provided by the contractor. The supervisor may, when necessary, use the places, equipment and other conditions for test which provided by the contractor, to carry out the material review test for the purpose of quality inspection of the project, for which the contractor should effect assistance thereof.

9.1.2 承包人應按專用合同條款的約定提供試驗設備、取樣裝置、試驗場所和試驗條件,并向監(jiān)理人提交相應進場計劃表。

The contractor should, under the agreement of particular condition hereof, provide the test equipment, sampling device, the place and condition for test, in addition to issue the schedule of entry site.


The contractor's test equipment shall conform to the requirements of the relevant test procedures and be checked by a qualified testing unit, and shall be jointly determined by the supervisor and the contractor prior to the official use of the test equipment.

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